What is Seen is What You Say

Have you ever been at a function, be it with a dozen or many, many more, and you’ve done one of those brain-dead things … you’ve forgotten the name of someone you were just been introduced to?You painstakingly try to remember the guy’s name, hoping that someone will...

You’ve Been Fired!

When the dotcoms went dot bust a few years ago, employees celebrated their inclusion to the jobless ranks with pink-slip parties. Your entry ticket was showing your termination notice at the door. No notice, no party. Being fired became a badge of honor—if you hadn’t...

You May Talk Too Much . . .

During the past month, I’ve had several queries about personal information, as in, how much should be revealed within the confines of the workplace? Consider this—you are the parent of a driving teenager, a challenge that post teen parents will empathize with you on....

The Unwritten Rules Rule

There’s a classic scene in the movie, A League of Their Own, when manager Tom Hanks sees one of his outfielders approaching the dugout and she’s crying. He says (actually yells), “Crying?! There’s no crying in baseball!”Hmmm … now where would that be in the player’s...