Good Authoring Day to YOU It’s summertime … you’ve written a book … how about seeding and getting going on the next? Or create an awesome promotion project that will be chomping at the bit to get out of the gate? With over 200 million people feeling that they have a...
Good Authoring Day to YOU I’ve lost track of how many books fiction writer Courtney Miller has created. He’s just delivered his latest manuscript: Murder on the Royal Gorge Express, a White Feather Mystery. Now in editing and the cover design completed. Next...
Married to a lefty for 43 years, I’ve learned to make sure the seats on my left side and when he helps set the table, it’s totally normal that the fork is on the right side and knife on the left. Adapting is what righties and lefties do under the same roof! The...
This is the final day of Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged … and what three days it has been. Attendees had fun, worked, and definitely learned that book publishing and book marketing is not for sissies. At the end of this week … I’m taking a few days off...
Love it. Several clients and their books went to the next step. Some to the layout. Some to the printer. Perfect. Enjoyed the deep-dive into LinkedIn and the Sales Navigator tool that Mike O’Neil revealed in this week’s webinar. If you have nonfiction books, make...