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Author Smarts Today … Are You Findable and Visible?

Author Smarts … Are You Visible? Or Are You in a Fog?

The Internet has changed a lot of the rules of yesterday … yesteryear. It’s fast-forwarded time … today, it’s all about being “out there”—exposed, talked about, findable. How do people find you? And connect with you? Are you visible?

Do you know where your book sales come from?
Do you know where your book buyers buy books?
Do you know how others find you?

If you have a product—it was drilled in that you had to follow your leads, track them, and know where they came from.

For me, I had a sales background—the marketing side was left up to those who did the marketing for whatever was being pitched. The packaging wasn’t my concern—I just needed to know the benefits for the buyer, the cost, and when the product would be delivered.

Sometimes I didn’t know where the buyer came from … they just came. Today, you would refer to that as being “organic”—the seeding started; the chatter picked up; sales followed.

Maybe it’s time to stop asking the question, do you know where your business is coming from? Because there isn’t a definable answer. Maybe the answer is in the response zone of “… just because.”

In today’s influence factor, the more that you are “out there,” the more difficult it is to track where your sales and business comes from. It’s a “just because” … you are visible, you are finable … and best of all, you are reachable … and what you offer.

Today’s author … that’s you … needs to figure out how to lift yourself from the foggy landscape that most authors are in. Most likely, there will be multiple factors in play that bring a buyer to you.

I can’t tell you the number of people who have engaged me to speak to a group because a friend of a friend heard me speak at a conference; or that someone said that they should get my book; or that they needed an expert in my topic and found my name or my website; or that they found one of my books and eventually contacted me directly—because that information was included in the book. Or that they need a book coach. I’m on the Internet via personal websites, posted articles, and blogs and easily found via Google.

Are you? Your company? Your expertise? Your services? Your book? Your what?

And, to the disbelief of many … I answer the phone when I’m in my office. With mobile phones … the office is anywhere … anytime. It amuses me when the caller expresses surprise that I answer my own phone. Why shouldn’t I? Why shouldn’t you?

One of my clients found me at 7 in the evening Colorado time when I answered the phone—it wasn’t evening or afternoon where he was—he was in Hong Kong and found me via the internet—it was 10 in the morning, next day for him. We connected; I understood his book; and we created not one, but a dozen books together over a five-year period.

It’s the pinball effect—people jump around until they find the fit for them. Findable. Trackable from their side … more difficult to track from yours.

The reality is that most people buy—they buy anything—based on emotions. When they are seeking help, services are a product … they are most likely in the “buy” zone.

  • Are you visible?
  • Are you reachable?
  • Can you verbally connect with them and “hear” their needs?
  • Can you be found with a few keywords and a computer?
  • Are you working under today’s model or still stuck in tracking just the numbers?
  • Do you answer your phone?
  • Can a buyer of your book or services easily connect with you?
  • Do you know what their pain is—why would a buyer want your book or services?

It’s time to ask yourself: What am I doing to increase my visibility? To be lifted from the foggy bottom?



Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. Often, she must roll up her writing sleeves and become a Book Doctor, juicing up storylines and author words. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 44 books including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book PlatformsSnappy Sassy Salty: Success for Authors and Writers, and How to Create a Million Dollar Speech. Her personal memoir When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present is a #1 bestseller on Amazon and her historical fiction debut Secret Journey. Collectively, her books have earned over 45 book awards. Judith speaks throughout the year at publishing conferences. 

Throughout the year, she holds Judith Briles Book Unplugged in-person and online experiences: Publishing, Speaking, Marketing, and Social Media. All are two-day intensives limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. Join Judith live for the “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” podcast on the Toginet Radio Network HERE

Follow @AuthorUYOUBooks and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorYOU, and join the Facebook group Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact her.

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