What’s your purpose? For your writing … your publishing … for you, as an author?
We all have a purpose … sometimes it’s myopic; others, multi. I’m one of the “multis” … many items, concepts, events, and groups I care deeply about. Some that I support with my checkbook; others that get my time; others receive the value of my connections. Sometimes, all three.
Purposes can change over time. Purposes can be lifelong … or they can be for a select timeframe. Purposes are fueled by commitment, faithfulness, and dedication.
Purposes are a good thing. Below are mine. Some are new; some have been with me for decades. Some you may cheer for; some aren’t your thing … they are mine.
What is yours?
Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame
Celebrating and Honoring authors who make a difference!
Donate to the Authors’ Hall of Fame HERE:
The Mission of the Authors’ Hall of Fame is to honor and promote the works of outstanding published authors from all genres and generations to ensure their legacies will not be lost who are connected with Colorado in at least one of five ways. Either by birth, residency, writing within as a retreat, writing about, or using elements of Colorado in their writing.
The Authors’ Hall of Fame is dedicated to recognizing and preserving the history about the accomplishments of past and present authors who have created and published books. Both historical and contemporary authors who have shared their words of wisdom, encouragement and entertainment are celebrated. The Authors’ Hall of Fame ensures that their insight and visionary achievements will not be forgotten.
The Hall is an all-volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was originally founded in 2014 and will was fully implemented with its first Induction of 22 authors in 2019. Inductions are held in odd years.
Girl Scouts of Colorado
Donate to the Girl Scouts HERE:
Girl scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character
The Girl Scout organization in Colorado is 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world.
It’s the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success.
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Judith Briles was honored in 2009 as one of its Women of Distinguish.
Global Fund for Women
Donate to the Global Fund for Women HERE:
Envisioning a world where movements for gender justice has
transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all.
Global Fund for Women was founded in 1987 in Palo Alto, California, by four bold women: Anne Firth Murray, Frances Kissling, Laura Lederer, and Nita Barrow. They were convinced that women’s human rights were essential to social, economic, and political change around the world, for the benefit of us all. Frustrated by a lack of interest in funding women’s human rights, they founded an organization to fund grass-roots women-led movements directly. Our founders knew that trusting local partners to drive solutions in their own communities would lead to meaningful, lasting change. They were right. The Global Fund for Women funds bold, ambitious, and expansive gender justice movements to create meaningful change that will last beyond our lifetimes.
Over the course of 30+ years, Global Fund for Women has supported feminist movements and grassroots organizers to end civil wars, get female Presidents elected, and secure laws giving new protection to millions. Today, building on historic wins and the latest research, we are doubling down on supporting movements. By shifting towards a movement-led approach, Global Fund for Women will harness and fuel rising people-power globally to increase their impact and accelerate change.
Planned Parenthood
Providing Care. No matter what.
Donate to Planned Parenthood HERE:
Planned Parenthood provides reproductive health care, education, advocacy, and partners with similar organizations worldwide. It is the largest single provider of health services, providing and/or performed 2.5 million birth control and contraception, and 4.9 million tests and treatments for STI and HIV.
It contributes to research in reproductive technology and advocates for the protection and expansion of reproductive rights. Research shows that closures of Planned Parenthood clinics lead to increases in maternal mortality rates.
My involvement goes back to the mid-80s when I became a foster parent for teens. The first stop was to the local Planned Parenthood clinic where a health exam was performed. The ability to have routine health care available was priceless for these kids. The next was always registering for local Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
Sock It To ‘EM
Making a social impact one pair of socks at a time!
Donate to Sock It To ‘Em HERE:
Socks are the #1 clothing need of those experiencing homelessness. The Sock It To ‘Em Sock Campaign aims to put new socks on the feet of men, women and children experiencing homelessness and/or are in need.
It’s motto is, “We’re making a social impact one pair of socks at a time!” Anyone in any location can participate by becoming a Sock Ambassador, getting others to donate new socks, or just sharing information about The Sock It To ‘Em Sock Campaign on social media and through the Ambassador’s spheres of influence.
There are Sock Ambassadors in 41 states—the youngest is 4 years old and the most senior in her late 70’s. Gathering spots can be found with Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Doctor’s offices, Real Estate Agencies, Athletic Clubs, Churches and multitude of others.
Their task is simple: put the word out, that they’re collecting socks
The School Sock Drawer Campaign literally puts socks in the hands of children in need in area elementary schools. Multiple states are partners in the School Sock Drawer Campaign where “sock drawer containers” are stocked by Sock It To ‘Em volunteers
I’m been a Sock Ambassador for years. At all my Events and Experiences, participants are encouraged to bring NEW socks for donations. In turn, I collect and deliver to the Sock It to ‘Em warehouse that has now distributed over 750,000 pairs of new socks to men, women, and children. In 2020, Bomba Socks became a major sponsor.
For health care, it’s essential to support, keep dry and warm feet. Socks make a difference.