Rockstar Publicity

Create Your Publicity and Social Media Promo Strategies with Panache and Results …
Your  Commitment:  $1700

( members, $1,200)  

Authors, Books, Publicity and Social Media belong together. Like a great soup, with the right blend, the outcome can be promo bliss.

The Book Shepherd has created a special publicity power package for you to promote YOU, your EXPERTISE, and your BOOK. All you need to do is add photos that could be used in a newspaper, magazine, or podcast. We will make suggestions to you on what to include as we work with you.

After you have a one-on-one interview with a Book Shepherd staff member,

You will get:

  • A template for you to use for future press releases
  • 4 comparable posters to use for marketing
  • Your professional designed Author or Book One-Sheet, single side, with graphics
  • 4 press releases … additional press releases will cost $50
  • One-time Distribution to major PR outlets for each press release
  • Written Pitch to be used for pitching you as a guest to producers/host
  • Key questions for Interviews, including Introduction for Host
  • Up to 10 Marketing Tweets
  • Trending hashtags to be used in social media
  • Identify the Weeklies contacts and
  • Twitter media handles for your region
  • Setup tracking analytics for mentions in social media and the media
  • The Media is Talking page to add links to items when they occur
  • Featured either on a Monday or Friday as a recommended book from The Book Shepherd to full email list (10,000) plus mention on Facebook, LinkedIn and twitter feeds.
  • A Fun Facts page about you

Interested in participating? eMail or call Judith directly to see if you qualify to participate in the Create Your Publicity and Social Media Promo Strategies with Panache and Results:

Judith@Briles dot com
three zero three – 885-2207