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Get Judith’s Books for Your Success

A message from Dr. Judith Briles

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There’s nothing complicated about the answer. When you shop at small businesses, you help your community, its economy, the environment. Plus,

  • They support your LOCAL authors.
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  • They are the HEART of your community.

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It will deliver names and addresses for your book buying pleasure. Support the independent bookstores in your region. I do.

How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech

Why Speak? How about…to change lives… to sell truckloads of books… to make money… to go places you never thought you would… to make a difference… to have fun.  Did you know that for authors, speaking is the #1 way to sell thousands of books?  You’ve written a book, you KNOW the content, and you are passionate about the topic/message.  With this book, in hand you will learn:

  • How to pitch to the decision maker
  • To identify the key points in your speech and improvise short stories to engage your audience
  • How to hook your audience within the first few minutes of the presentation.
  • How to discover future sponsors and secure them.
  • How to create a closing statement that delivers the “buzz” factor.

ISBN: 978-1885331-67-0
Pages: 297
Price: $25.00


How to Avoid 101 Book Publishing, Blunders

You are writing a book…or have one already published and the OMG moment hits.  You’ve made a mistake… screwed up…or you may feel clueless to the tsunami of items you need to deal with.  You don’t want to fall further into the abyss of book creation and publishing.  You need help and savvy guidance.  This book will show you how to:

  •  Create design elements that keep readers coming back for more.
  • Determine who the publishing predators are and how to avoid their traps.
  • Pinpoint essentials that every successful author must include.
  • Get hot tips for creating and maintaining momentum in book marketing.
  • and much more

ISBN: 978-1885331-60-1
Pages: 327
Price: $24.95

Download Free Sample here:


The CrowdFunding Guide for Authors & Writers

You’ve written a book… and now you need money for design and printing; money for marketing; money to develop a website; even money for a PR campaign.  Money.  If your resources are low, there’s a way to get it.  You want the odds to be on your side.  You want to be in the 30 percent minority that succeeds if you are an author or author-to-be.  Not the 70 percent that don’t.  With this book in stock it will show you how to:

  • Create rewards that your donors want
  • Identify timelines: pre, during, and post a crowdfunding campaign.
  • Structure a social media checklist that is ideal for your project
  • and so much more.

ISBN: 978-1885331-57-1
Pages: 92
Price: $15.00

Download Free Sample here:


Snappy, Sassy, Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers

Could you use a pick me-me-up?  A bit of inspiration or silliness?  How about something to chew on or get you unstuck?  In Snappy Sassy Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers, you will find all that and more.  Author Judith Briles’ favorite advice over the years to her many author clients is included… think and write snappy, sassy, and salty and surround yourself with cheerleaders for your vision, not distractors.  Now you get some of her sage words–and yes, they are Snappy, Sassy and Salty 

ISBN: 978-1885331-49-6
Pages: 144
Price: $22.95


Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms

Are you an author? Would you like to be one? Do you know what an author platform is? Every author needs one — it’s the very foundation of your book. In this amazing guidebook that is illustrated and four-color throughout, you will work through 22 Activities that will reveal your true Platforms; how to create a Book Plan along with how to identify which publishing venue is right for you; how to create the time and space to create your masterpiece; how to find moneys to “pay” for your publishing efforts; how to avoid the publishing predators; how to identify ways to market your book, how to identify the components to create a successful book launch; how to make time … and so much more. Highly recommended to also get the CD set, Creating and Developing the Author and Book Platforms at $40. Publishing could take your career to the next, next level — more credibility, enhanced reputation, recognized expertise. If you are writing fiction — you need the steps that will lead to your success.

ISBN: 978-1-885331-41-0
Pages: 232
Price: $45.00

Download Free Sample here: 



How to Deal with Pit Bulls, Snakes, Skunks, Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace

Every workplace has them—the pit bulls that hide behind lipstick and designer clothes; snakes who flick their abrasive tongues and voice at any and all; the scorpions who sting with a slap of their heavy backhand; the skunks that seem innocent until you get in their space; and the slugs … those who are “just there” and breathing, barely. Stabotage!™ How to Deal with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace reveals how to effectively deal with the bad girls and boys that inhabit every environment … be it one you get paid to be in or one you volunteer your time for. Workplace pioneer Dr. Judith Briles has included her revised CarefrontingScript™ dialogue, updates on the latest in communication techniques in dealing with conflict and toxic behavior and the ins and outs of determining a workplace’s true culture. Updated in 2012.

ISBN: 978-1-885331-30-4
Cover: Paperback with flaps
# of Pages: 184
Price: $29.00
