Have You Identified the 5 Core Ideas of Your Book?

Have You Identified the 5 Core Ideas of Your Book?You should. It will shortcut your writing. It will expedite getting to your market. It will be huge in communicating your message.

As in real estate: location, location, location, it is time to think core idea, core idea, CORE IDEA.

Ask yourself what the five principle themes in your book are. Of the five, which is the “core, core”  … your number one?

An example is my book How to Create a Million Dollar Speech. When I first wrote it, I had more than 40 different ideas I wanted to share with readers. It wasn’t until I could prioritize and reduce them that I was able to “push” it out of me … to complete the organization … the writing … and then publish.

The five core ideas I narrowed from the 40 I had originally identified were:

  1. In 99% of the time, you don’t need academic degrees … what you need to be is G.O.O.D. in delivering your message and connecting with the audience.
  2. You’ve got to use stories that can create the visuals in your reader’s mind.
  3. You need to persist. The more you speak, the better you get.
  4. Don’t show up, speak and split.
  5. Speaking is the #1 way to sell books.

And the #1 core idea was: Speaking is the #1 way to sell books.

Once I got down to those five core ideas, the whole book around them flowed. They became like a module. Within each, I could expand my know-how and how to. And from that, it sped up my writing and what I will be doing with marketing!

It’s your turn … think about the five core ideas around the book that you have published. What about the one you are currently writing. What are they? Which is the #1?


Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 47 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at www.TheBookShepherd.com where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at https://bit.ly/AuthorUPodcast

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