Dr. Judith’s Saturday Blog – Be A Doer … Not a Dreamer

                                           Naysayers Will Be In Your Midsts

Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote:

Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—
in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in,
except to convictions of honor and good sense.

The author’s enemy can be naysayers, non-believers of your work, those who are envious, and gulp, sometimes family and friends.

Jeeze. What does an author do when one is in his or her midst?

My two bits include:

Never give in. Never give in. Not to others who don’t support or
believe in your work. Not to yourself because you are tired and
just want to move on.

Never, never, never, never …

in nothing, great or small, large or petty that a critic or envious

author, or even yourself rattles in your ear or head.

Never give in …

except to convictions of honor and good sense.

If you made an error in your writing, don’t blame it. Just fix it.

And let others know you did.


Dr. Judith Briles is The Book Shepherd … Publishing  & Book Marketing Expert, Coach, Consultant … Author of 43 books including How to Avoid Book Publishing Blunders, her memoir When God Says NO, and her historical fiction debut The Secret Journey. Subscribe to her Tuesday and Saturday blogs on her website, https://TheBookShepherd.com.




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