Dr. Judith’s Saturday Blog – Be A Doer … Not a Dreamer

                                                                          Can Certainty Misdirect You?

Often others speak out with myopic certainty. What they think, and say, is the truth.

Is it? Could it based on feelings versus fact? Could there be a variable? A twist? A different direction?

Could it be confusion in disguise, with certainty statements being used to conceal uncertainty?

It is unclear if Einstein was the originator of the words: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What is clear is that they are wise.

A thought: allow yourself to say you are confused, or don’t understand something.

Doors may open.

Then listen.


Dr. Judith Briles is The Book Shepherd … Publishing  & Book Marketing Expert, Coach, Consultant … Author of 45 books including How to Avoid Book Publishing Blunders, her memoir When God Says NO, and her historical fiction The Secret Journey and The Secret Hamlet. Subscribe to her Tuesday and Saturday blogs on her website, https://TheBookShepherd.com.

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