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Dr. Judith’s Saturday Blog – Be A Doer … Not a Dreamer

                                                  Limitations … Are They Real or Imposed?

How many times have your been presented with an idea to do something … and you thought, I can’t or I won’t.

Are you following into the self-sabotage trap by limiting yourself?

  • Self-sabotage exists in varying degrees. On one end of the spectrum are individuals who are so destructive that nothing ever goes right for them.
    Authors who are in this range beat their words, their writing, and themselves up. Nothing is right with what they are doing
  • Midway through the spectrum are those who display self-sabotaging behavior periodically. It doesn’t pop up every day, just once in a while. But when it does, it is a doozy of an eruption.
  • On the far end of the spectrum are others who show some form of self-sabotage, recognize it, and make a concentrated effort to avoid repeating the specific behavior.

Limitations can be a good thing … but they can also stop you from going forward.

Which is it for you?


Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 45 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at

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