Are You Blinded with Your Expectations?
Do you think you are going to sell a million copies of your book? The odds are extremely remote. Of the 747 million books sold in 2023, only eight authors sold over one million copies.
Do you think that the media will ring your phone off and fill your email box? Most likely not … unless you aggressively reach out and create creative hooks to lure them in.
Do you think that podcast hosts and producers will seek you out? Most likely not … unless you aggressively reach out and create creative hooks to lure them in.
Lower your expectation meter. Be realistic.
You can be quite successful in publishing and authoring in many ways.
Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 45 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at
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