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For Authors only … don’t miss out

Calling all Authors and Writers …
Is There a Book in You?
Does It Need Help or a Massive Makeover?
Are You Ready to Start Your Next Book?
Do YOU want practical book marketing guidance and tips?

Then it’s time for you to become a member of … a membership organization based in Colorado that has members in multiple states and internationally. New website … New programs.

AuthorU® is a non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers and registered as a 501(c)6 with the IRS. It’s for you to if you want to learn about …

Saving thousands of dollars in mistakes that most authors make;
Being able to identify publishing scams and publishing predators before the suck one dollar of your money;
Writing a book, resurrecting a book, or just supporting a book.
Developing a game-plan that has roots;
Designing a book that is the right fit for your audience;
Marketing moxie that creates results;
Developing Social media strategies that are book and author friendly;
Crowdfunding for Authors and Books;
Achieving Amazing Results;
And a variety of programs … both online and in-person.

Is there a book in you? Or another? Or is your book just limping along? AuthorU® will show you how to create, develop and publish your book without being hoodwinked. If you already have a book out, you will find a supportive and brain-storming community that is connected and creative.

Through AuthorU’s extensive network and VIP Publishing Service Associates, members enjoy exclusive benefits including significant discounts for a variety of services necessary to the serious author and publisher.

WAIT WAIT … there’s more … Members have the opportunity to participate
in the catalog being created and sent to bookstores and libraries in Colorado.
Your membership includes ONE free book spot to feature yours and its details.

If you want to create a book that has pizazz, punch and panache, AuthorU® is for you. If you are a “hobbyist” or a “casual” author, it’s not. If you are an author who wants to be seriously successful, definitely join!

Join AuthorU® and Be a Part of our Author and Publishing Community!

Click the link to join AuthorU NOW: AuthorYOU Membership


Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 47 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at

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