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FREE Gifts with Snappy Sassy Salty … Official Book Launch is this Week!

Snappy Sassy Salty  Snappy Sassy Salty … Official Book Launch!

July 21-24th


                                        It’s summer … It’s hot ...

Could you use a pick-me-up?
A bit of inspiration or silliness?
How about something to chew on or get you unstuck?
How about your friends who are writing or already published?

In Snappy Sassy Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers, you will find all that and more. It’s book #31 for me …  my favorite advice over the years to thousands of authors is included … think and write snappy, sassy and salty and surround yourself with cheerleading for your vision, not  image001distractors who suck your energy.

Now you get some of my sage words—and yes, they are definitely Snappy, Sassy and Salty. AND THIS WEEK ONLY, if you get a copy, there are over $700 in awesome gifts for the author and writer … PLUS … wait, wait, there’s more! Three of the buyers will get an added bonus ranging in value from $250 (author photography session with Ashlee Bratton; $295 (book marketing and strategy session with Amy Collins; $597 (full registration for Judith Briles Unplugged).

Your buy time is THIS WEEK ONLY via Amazon. Claim your book at  along with select gifts designed just for the author and writer.

GO … GO … GO NOW and get your book (if you have one, get another for a gift–you want the goodies that are free with the purchase):  
