This fall will be exciting … exciting, because my speaking calendar is sold out–oh, I can still fit one or two more gigs in, but for our planning purposes, we are looking at next year now. Two weeks of it will find me in Alaska doing programs for four hospitals as well as the Alaska Nurses Association annual meeting.
Being sold out didn’t happen overnight; it came from being focused, knowing my niche and being persistent. Never assume anything and working closely with the clients. The exciting news is that many of the “private” gigs have far exceeded their advanced numbers projected–some have moved the programs to larger sites to accomodate attendance.
All of the presentations will tap dance around my latest book, Stabotage! How to Deal with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace.
Look forward to seeing many of you in CO, NC, AZ, MO, AK, and GA. Enjoy that fabulous palatte that Mother Nature is bringing forth!