Got Book? … Take Advantage of Seasonal Selling Now

Book Publishing … Take Advantage of Seasonal Selling Now

If your book is ideal for a gift (and it’s a rare one that is not), seasonal celebrations are ideal to reach out to your followers … why not your book as the gift? This month, of course December is hot. But so will January … for the “how-to” crowd, this is the high GOYA month—Get Off Your Ass—and get started (or re-started).

Game plan your “kick-start” now by:

1          Creating an email offer your “special” with a direct link to where you want them to purchase your book. Title, describe, and cover should all be included. Give them a heads-up with an estimate of how many days for arrival. If you are the sender, make sure you offer to personalize each book.

2          Contact all on your email lists; your Twitter followers; your Facebook friends; LinkedIn connections; and Google+ Circles and Huddles. Remind them who the ideal recipient is and that your book is a wonderful last-minute gift.

3          Don’t be shy … ask your friends and “followers” of the above to contact their local libraries and request your book Ask your friends and family to recommend your book as a gift item to others or buy your book to give to others.

4          Without being a pest, promote via your social media contacts with “hook” lines to entice the reader.

5          Ask your friends and social media contacts to re-treat from Twitter; ask them to recommend your book to their personal networks.

6          Remind them that Kindle, Nooks and iPads will all be hot gifts this year. Your book would be idea to give as a “gift”—,,—all have ways to buy books for gifts via their sites.  (Yes—make sure that you have them available on all these platforms—if you are using Smash Words only, make sure that you include the link to Smash Words—otherwise, the average person won’t know to go there to purchase an eBook.

7          Think about creating a “deal”—a buy one, get one free … or if you have additional titles—create a “bundle”—any three for: … Use your imagination.

8          Offer a coupon for “something” if they email a confirmation number that they bought your book or fax it to you. It could be a credit of money toward another purchase if they buy from your site. Or think about sending them a “bonus” gift. Maybe a special report you’ve created that ties into your book’s topic or expertise. Or possibly do a cross promote—offer a “gift” from someone else … and they in turn can do the same with your info.

9          Create a Gift Basket of Books—gather up a few other authors (books that are in a different genre than yours)—include covers, brief descriptions, links to buy—and everyone cross promotes to their lists. These can be morphed with different events—Mother’s Day; Thanksgiving; New Year Beginnings; Birthdays, etc., etc. Have fun—be creative.

10        Always be on the alert with media events—if something is popping locally or nationally in the news—and it ties to your books title, theme or expertise—parlay it to your advantage.

Ten tips to move your book. None of this is difficult—just a little organization; getting your info and contacts together; and start your promo engines.

PS—my book, Show Me About Book Publishing is perfect for anyone who is interested in publishing. Available pBook and eBook formats on all platforms.

Judith Briles is known as The Book Shepherd ( and the Founder of Author U (niversity (, a membership organization created for the serious author who wants to be seriously successful. She’s been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the 80s. She’s the author of 28 books including Show Me About Book Publishing, co-written with John Kremer and Rick Frishman and a speaker at publishing conferences. Follow @AuthorU and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorU and TheBookShepherd on Facebook.  If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact her at