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Highly Successful Authors Are Salty, Current and Meaningful

Trait #2: Authors must create books that are Current, Meaningful, with a little bit of “Salt”.

Is what you are saying the same old thing that can be found in dozens, maybe, gulp, hundreds of books? Get with it—tweet the old stuff, be sassy, controversial, yes, salty. Highly successful authors get their readers attention—say what … what was on that cover that snagged the eye … that commanded the reader to pick the book up or click for more information—it’s the Sassy or Salt Factor. What are you delivering that’s new, hot? What’s your unique point of view? What research have you done that brings the topic current? Is there something that you’ve discovered that no one uses or knows? What phrases, sayings and buzz words shout out that this is a new voice, a unique voice and one that should be paid attention to?

Highly successful authors know learn how to “pop” in the crowded book field.