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I just want to write my books … dream on!

I just want to write my books … dream on!
Sometimes the best of an author’s plans go kaput. The question that should be asked: was it a plan, a real plan … or a fantasy … or a wish?

We authors are good at creating the “what ifs” during the germination of a book; during the writing of a book; during the production of a book; during the marketing of a book; during the life of a book. Books are exciting … and when it’s in hand and available, euphoric. It’s your newborn. Of course you want it to do well, to soar.

When do the “what ifs” become a reality?

The answer from me to you is direct: with a plan, or maybe several.

Author success is rarely stumbled upon. It’s not like winning the lottery where you put a few bucks in for a chance at the mega-million-dollar pot. Realistically, we know that the odds are humongous against winning, but hey, someone has to and why not “me”?—and if I don’t buy my chance, I can’t play.

Authoring and Book selling isn’t the lottery. You don’t buy a chance. The truth is that the creation of a book, even though it took years to do, is a mere fraction of the time, energy, commitment and money needed to teach it to walk. But … 

I just want to write my book. That’s all I want to do.
I don’t have the to do all this “other stuff” to support the book.
I don’t have the time market my book … to sell my book.
I don’t want to market my book … to sell my book.
I just want to write … there are more stories in me.
My books are awesome; people just need to find them.
I just want to write my books.
Why can’t I just write?

Rerun lines I’ve heard from years of working with authors … of speaking to writing conferences and groups. Wishful thinking that doesn’t produce results.Rerun lines I’ve heard from years of working with authors … of speaking to writing conferences and groups. Wishful thinking that doesn’t produce results.

Your book is your newborn. And, gulp, what happens if your newborn doesn’t walk? It doesn’t become the instant buzz you thought it would be … deserved?

That definitely wasn’t in the plan. Was it? Or … maybe it was!

If you failed to put together a plan post the book birth that would train your baby to walk, then run, you failed to plan. And if you did have a plan, and it didn’t work, what did you have in place for Plan B? Plan C? Plan D …?

If you want to be a successful author … that takes a plan, not a wish.

What’s yours? Get it your To Do list and set it up.


Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 47 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at

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