Kick-Butt Author and Publishing Tips & Ahas: Amazon Order Tips

Amazon Customer Care Tip: the phone # to call is 866-216-1072. It will direct you to an overseas contact. When I called for help on something for my Unplugged event, I hit two obstacles: 1-she was hard to understand with her accent; 2-there was so much background, it was difficult to hear anything. What to do? Just say you want a U.S. representative. You will be immediately routed back to the U.S. … clarity and resolution in minutes.

Ordering Volume via Amazon: Each year at the Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged event, I do a module on Creativity. This June 22-24, participants will be re-writing a childhood classic presented in its Little Golden Book format (remember reading them?). I needed 50 copies. I could have gone into my Ingram account and ordered them at a discount. In checking around prices, I found that buying through Amazon was in my budget and I could have them in two days. Perfect.

Oh-oh. They didn’t come. I went back to review order and discovered that the arrival would be almost four weeks later. What the heck–I called Amazon and together–we figured out it was the size of the order. I canceled it and re-entered FIVE orders of TEN books each. And yup … all FIFTY arrived two days later in five separate boxes. Free shipping, of course.

Note to all–after you place orders, make sure you review in your account arrival date expected–if you are time sensitive like I was, this is critical.



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Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. She empowers authors and is the Founder of, a membership organization created for the serious author who wants to be seriously successful. She’s been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 35 books including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms (Foreword IndieFab Book of the Year), Snappy Sassy Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers and a speaker at publishing conferences. Book #35 was published in 2016: How to Avoid 101 Book Publishing Blunders, Bloopers & Boo-Boos. Get your copy now.

Each summer, she holds Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged, a three-day intensive limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. In 2017, the dates are June 22-24th.  Her audio and workbook series, Creating Your Book and Author Platform is now available. Join Judith live on Thursdays at 6 p.m. EST for “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” on the Toginet Network at

Follow @AuthorU and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorU, and join the Facebook group Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact Judith at

header-logo1.pngAuthor U is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to the author who wants to be seriously successful. Monthly education programs delivered face-to-face and online, The Author Resource ezine, BookCamps, and the annual Author U Extravaganza are tools designed for authors pre-, during and post-publishing of their books. Join today.

 If you are looking for FREE author and book coaching … call in to Judith’s Author Monday Mornings at NOON Eastern each Monday if you are an GOLD member.