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Last Week to Register for Publishing at Sea Discount!

It’s the Third Annual Publishing at Sea Cruise
Create Your Ultimate Best Seller at Sea

…in only 7 days while you’re on vacation!

We’ve got a terrific Publishing at Sea working vacation planned for you next January. Our workshops are in-depth, hands-on and fun …


What: A 7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise to Jamaica, Haiti and Cozumel. You sail from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

When: Jan. 24-31, 2016

The Ship: The Royal Caribbean’s spectacular Allure of the Seas, voted 2013’s Best Overall Individual Cruise Ship. 
Get all the Details and Register:  

Your Hosts, Mentors and Faculty

You’ll learn from, eat with and lounge side by side — for a full week — with 4 of the world’s top publishing experts who charge clients up to $300 an hour. We are:

Guest instructor Kelly Johnson, Online Resources Expert 
who specializes in working with authors and handling their technical projects.

Create Your Ultimate Bestseller Bestseller!

Authors who need a crash course in book publishing before they write, or need to create demand for books that aren’t selling, can learn the inside secrets of how to write and market their, creating the book success that they envisioned during a Caribbean cruise Jan. 24-31, 2016.

The “Create the Ultimate Bestseller at Sea!” cruise includes training sessions and laser coaching by five book publishing experts:

Head Shot - Judith - promo close upBook shepherd and publishing expert Judith Briles, has written 33 books, including several bestsellers. She hosts a podcast for authors that has over 200,000 downloads a month and coaches authors globally in creating and publishing their books.

  • Publicity expert Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, a former journalist who has 
  • Joan Stewartcoached, mentored and trained thousands of authors, writers, publishers, CEOs and business owners, on how to self-promote.
  • amy collinsBook distribution expert Amy Collins who knows every facet of the book distribution labyrinth and has worked with major publishing houses as well as independent authors.
  • Book designer and publishing expert Joel joelFriedlander delivers a slew of information daily on one of the best-rated blogs for authors and writers via Writers Digest rates it as one of the top 100 websites in the world for writers.
  • What author wouldn’t like a clone who knows techie stuff … or at least someone who will do all the posting, fixing, tracking—all the items that take hours of time every Kelly johnsonmonth? Kelly Johnson is that clone and is the virtual assistant that knows authoring and publishing.

The cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean’s “Allure of the Seas” will leave port in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and travel to Jamaica, Haiti and Cozumel, Mexico.

At sea, participants attend 12 intensive sessions on strategic book marking, distribution, publicity, professional speaking, social media and other topics important to creating a bestseller. They can also take advantage of laser coaching with the four experts. When in port, participants are free to tour, relax and enjoy the sites.

The cost for all workshops, the cruise, taxes and gratuities is $1,695 per person for an ocean view balcony cabin. If you were to buy a collective hour with these four publishing pros, it would cost you $1500! Grab your spot for the ultimate working vacation.

Prices Increase after June 30th


  • You will get the realities of publishing in today’s world.
  • The how-tos of selling your book wherever books can be sold.
  • Access to five publishing experts that you would have to pay a minimum of $300 an hour.
  • The tools that you need to be successful in publishing.
  • Address problems that are unique to you and your book.
  • Shattering that publishing is a lonely business syndrome. You will learn and share from others problems and success stories
  • One-on-one consulting with the expert of your choice.
  • When you get off this cruise, you will take away a clear plan of what you want to do and how to do it.
  • After the cruise, a follow up Q&A session and personal coaching session from each.

Don’t wait any longer … Prices Increase after June 30th.
Questions? Call Judith Briles at 303-885-2207