Announce Your Book and Conferences
Self Pub News is a new website for making announcements about new books, upcoming conferences, book signings, special deals, and more. If you want your news included, send an email to Tom Nixon, editor, at Web:
Don’t simply send an email without first checking on the website and seeing what kind of info the site wants. Here are the details…
Get the Right Domain Name
What URL (domain name) is right for you? The answer is the one that is the most direct to you, your name, book, product, topic, etc. This isn’t the time to get cute, unless cute is what you are known or identified by…
Eye Friendly URLs and eMails
Do your readers a HUGE favor and make getting to your website easier. A few of Judith’s book titles include The Confidence Factor, Stop Stabbing Yourself in the Back and Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace. The usual way authors (as well as other individuals) print their website and email info is like this…