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speakingtopicsJudith does keynotes, workshops and spouse programs. One of the best ways for meeting planners to stretch their dollars is to work with her: because of her research-based work and 26 books, she can present for general sessions, intensive workshops and spousal/partner programs.

Want to Save Money on Your Speaking Dollars?
Ask Judith to do more than one presentation.  Her attitude has always been—once she’s committed, use her.  Get two or three speakers for the price of one! 

Judith has written 28 books—she’s got lots of topics that you can select from. Think keynote and breakout(s). Her latest is Show Me About Book Publishing. And don’t forget—sometimes speakers get sick, have an accident, miss a flight. Judith will be glad to step in with a substitute program if a last minute cancelation comes in. Her goal is to make your event terrific. Meeting planners know that they can count on her.

Is There a Book in You?

How would you like to write the book you’ve dreamed of, even become a best-selling author? Most people have a book in them. Will yours get birthed, or will it die because it never was conceived? Books create credibility. Whether your dream is to write the great novel, a children’s series or to create a book that will enhance your professional credibility, this fast paced session is for you. The business if publishing will be revealed; you learn how to create titles that soar, how to structure a book, how to get started and much, whether you should publish with a traditional publisher or self-publish and much more.

You will learn from a master book shepherd. Judith Briles is the author of 28 books—many of them award-winning, has sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies, sold multiple foreign rights to 16 countries, created her own publishing imprint, has been featured on over 1000 TV and radio shows—from Oprah to CNN and print media from the Wall Street Journal to the National Enquirer, columnist for several publications including the Denver Business Journal, sought after speaker for conferences and associations, is the resident “money” expert on Denver’s KWGN-TV and is the first recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. In 2009, Judith founded, a nationwide membership organization dedicated to serious authors who want to be seriously successful. Her books relating to publishing, Show Me About Book Publishing and The Tango of Authoring and Publishing were released in 2011. Workshop

Stabotage®! Dealing with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Workplace or Dealing with Pit Bulls with Lipstick

b3Every workplace has them—the pit bulls that hide behind lipstick and designer clothes; skunks who seem innocent and harmless until someone crosses their path; snakes who flick their abrasive tongues and voice at any and all; the scorpions who sting you with a slap of their heavy backhand; and the slugs… those who are “just there” and breathing, barely. The effect is that huge amounts of money are lost in productivity, turnover related costs and patient safety factors. Staboteurs® can be very visible or they can operate on a stealth basis. There are differences in how male and female Staboteurs® create chaos and who they are likely to target. When there are Staboteurs® in the midst good, and great employees declare their workplace is toxic, the pits and leave.

Based on a study completed in the summer of 2008 with over 3000 respondents, you will learn how to effectively deal with the bad girls and boys of the workplace. Included is Judith’s revised CarefrontingScript™ Model, updates on the latest in communication techniques in dealing with conflicts and toxic behavior, tools and quizzes. Keynote or Workshop

Zapping Conflict in the Workplace

b21Every workplace has its fill of Conflict Creators, Staboteurs® in the Midst, and Red Ink Behaviorists who are waiting for the retirement bell (even if it’s five years away). The effect is that huge amounts of money are lost in productivity, turnover related costs and patient safety factors. Based on 9 national studies released in Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace, The Briles Report on Women in Health Care, Woman to Woman: From Sabotage to Support and Stabotage™! Participants will practice role-playing in the CarefrontingScript® Model, and learn how to effectively deal with conflict in the workplace. Keynote or Workshop

Money $marts for Turbulent Times

b62Most people spend 10,000 plus days making money. After 2008, 401(k)s disappeared and homes, the safety net for retirement, erode in value. Many now feel they need another 10,000 to have the funds to retire.

Theories are bypassed and realistic strategies are presented. This program gets to the point. There are no wild ideas, just useful concepts that you will begin to implement today. The result-you will reduce debt, eliminate waste, create a safety net and create a realistic strategy that allows you to be financially independent. It’s projected that most people will retire at 70++ —money issues are huge! With the economy as it is, this is a must addition to your conference … your attendees will thank you.

Based on Judith Briles’ book, Money $marts for Turbulent Times: Master Financial Success in 30 Days!, participants will learn practical tips and take away an action plan to build a stronger financial future no matter what happens to Social Security or the economy. This is Judith’s 10th money book—she was a stock broker with EF Hutton throughout the 70s and continues to write money columns and is featured by a Colorado television station as its money expert. Workshop

What the Bleep Did You Say #%&!?

Are you communicating? With whom? You might think you are, but only your colleagues know for sure! Rarely is a communication style wrong, just different. Learn the four steps to effective communicating, both as a listener and speaker and identify the key factors that impede successful communication. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of sharing too much information and why listening is the key to resolving conflict and to
successful negotiation. Workshop

Thriving with Change When Thriving Doesn’t Feel Like an Option

Change is everywhere. Some changes are no bigger than gnats, others the size of a Mack truck. Either way, the thought and implementation of changes can demoralize, even destroy those going through it. Participants will be able to identify the five stages of change, access their resistance to change and create an action plan to grow through it and thrive. Workshop

Eliminating Red Ink Behaviors

redinkbehaviorsThe working habits, styles and behaviors of people you work with, manage or even report to may be the curse of your workplace. Over 50 behaviors have been identified in Stabotage™! and Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace (a Nurse Book Society main selection and best seller)—behaviors that contribute to lower productivity, morale, and increased turnover. Participants will learn what behaviors can be classified as Red Ink, how to quantify their impact on their workplace and departments and how to create a more collaborative workplace. This presentation is highly interactive and involves audience participation. Keynote or Workshop

Creating Confidence Out of Chaos

b1Based on the best-selling book, The Confidence Factor-Cosmic Gooses Lay Golden Eggs, attendees will learn that confidence is acquired, not inherited; and it usually comes from the pitfalls-the cosmic gooses-of life. Woven around the 10 Steps to Building Confidence, this stimulating and humorous speech is guaranteed to motivate and inspire audiences. With confidence, anything is possible. This keynote/general session has consistently received outstanding evaluations. Keynote


Leading with Confidence or The Leadership Manifesto

Leaders need to know how to manage, yet lead; managers need to know how to lead, yet manage. Both must be confident to be successful within their organizations and teams. Dealing with and using power; communicating clearly and effectively; recognizing conflict, conflict creators and dealing with it; communicating change and managing it; and maintaining confidence are critical factors in leadership today. Keynote or Workshop

When Women Work with Women: From Sabotage to Support

Women are unique … and they use unique factors in communicating, dealing with and creating conflict. Do women undermine other women? Yes. Are their saboteurs in your midst? Most likely. You’ll learn why, how and ways to change a toxic workplace and confront saboteurs in the midst. Judith Briles pioneering work in this area was first published in 1987 in Woman to Woman: From Sabotage to Support, the winner of the Chicago Tribune’s Business Book of the Year. Keynote or Workshop

Hire Slowly, Fire Quickly

One of the single biggest problems in nursing is getting rid of the semiconscious and dead weight that many workplaces tolerate because of the fear of not having the right ratios that are either desired or mandated. The result is that good and great employees leave and the mediocre and so-so stay behind. Everyone loses. Workplaces have to get smart. Learn how … Workshop or Keynote

The Mini Workplace Package

Educational and Training Directors often say that there isn’t enough time in the workplace to do a workshop—employees can’t take extended time off during their workday. If that’s an issue, consider do a Mini Package of Programs—you pick from the extensive list of programs that I presently do, I’ll condense them into a day of 30 minute “bites”—staff and managers view them as extended breaks…attendance is high…and everyone comes away with a few nuggets that can be immediately implemented in their workplace. Perfect for Nurses’ and Hospital Weeks.

About Judith Briles

Judith knows the publishing and speaking worlds. To many, she’s known as The Book Shepherd. Her website is (her speaking website is Her books include Stabotage!, Money Smarts for Turbulent Times, Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace, Smart Money Moves for Kids, The Confidence Factor, Woman to Woman, Woman to Woman 2000, GenderTraps and The SeXX Factor.

She has been a featured guest on over 1000 radio and TV shows including Oprah, GMA, John Gray, CNN and MSNBC. She is the Financial Expert on Denver’s KWGN-TV and has received widespread coverage in USA Today, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, Time and People. Dr. Briles writes several monthly columns including “Career Moves” in the Denver Business Journal.

Judith is featured in Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals in Nursing and Healthcare, Who’s Who of American Women and holds both Masters and Doctorate degrees in Business Administrative. She resides in Colorado. Judith can be reached here.