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Intro to Webinars

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Judith offers several of her programs in Webinar format throughout the year. They typically run for 50 minutes, are interactive and have been used as part of staff meetings, individual participation, even a program within a conference.

Within this section, she’s included a descriptive detail of each Webinar along with continuing education objectives for organizations that desire to obtain CEs.

What are Webinars?

webinarsWebinars are presentations and workshops that are delivered over the Internet. They can be in a one-way format, as in the presenter just speaking; or they can be interactive, requiring the participants to respond to various questions, exercises and tasks that they presenter asks them to do.

Most have a fee, some are free.

They can be boiler-plate or customized; general or focused to a specific audience.

Why Webinars?webinars3

In a nutshell, it’s about time and money.

The cost is usually nominal and many presenters offer them more than once for their live audience as well as have them archived for future downloads.

Designed for one participant or many, they are cost and time-effective.


My Webinars

“Hire Slowly, Fire Quickly”
“Is There a Book in You?”
“Money Smarts for Turbulent Times”
“Red Ink Behavior … the curse of the workplace”
“Stabotage! How to Deal with Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions, and Slugs in the Health Care Workplace”
“Thriving with Change”
“What the Bleep did You Say?”
“Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace”