Special FREE Webinar … 7 Things Your 2015 Ninja Publicity Plan

Join us for a FREE Webinar on Wednesday, October 22 at 4 PM Mountain Time

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You must know the 7 essential things that will let people in your target market see, hear, find, follow, study, recommend and eventually hire you.

                      Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

When someone comes to Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound, with a publicity
problem, it’s usually because 2 or 3 of these 7 critical elements are missing. You can’t cherry-pick which ones you want to do. You must do them ALL. 

And if you start doing them today, you’ll be kicking some serious butt next
year. Joan Stewart is presenting the ALL DAY BookCamp in Denver in person on November 15th … this is the perfect set up for it … and if you are on
the fence in attending, you will “get” why you … and your book should be there as well. There are Hot Seats in the afternoon–will you be selected?

You will learn:

· The 7 “old school” tactics that don’t work anymore but authors are
still relying on them.  

· A killer tip that can pull traffic like a magnet to your YouTube channel.   

· A key mistake authors make and why it seldom gets them the kind of major
publicity they want. 

· The short exercise that will determine how well you know your target    market.  

· 21 questions you should ask to help determine the kind of audience that wants to read your books.

· The truth about press releases.

· The one place to look that will give you material galore for creating content–it’s right in front of you!

· The one thing you must be willing to pay for if you’re not willing to spend time
looking for it for free 

Reserve your Webinar seat now at: