Holy Moley … I just got off the phone with one of the many trust publishing service providers I work with and refer clients to. This time, I was the listener to my colleague’s rant—she was exhausted in working with a particular client … on that always had the “but” in...
Are you confused in which way to publish today? And for that matter, what are the publishing options? Join the club! Traditional publishing, self-publishing and independent publishing are tossed in the air with the flick of the tongue. Just what are they? Authors feel...
Have you ever been around someone; read something; or seen something … and you want to get in a shower or a hot bath and soak the slime off? That’s exactly how I feel when I read about the gobbling up that involves the granddaddy of all Vanity Presses—Author Solutions...
Who’s in Your Village? … Who Are You Going to Thank? Everyone … That’s Who! One of the last items on the book publishing “to do” list before you go to print is to create the Acknowledgement Page … the Thank Yous to the team that assisted you in creating your baby....
Publishing Blunders aren’t fun … they can knock down your confidence, sabotage your bank account, and diminish your credibility. The savvy author can side-step many of them by not rushing to publish and getting educated to the publishing process. And, by...