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The Author Success Formula Starts Here

Dr. Judith Briles’
Author Success Formula in 8 Steps

Author Success doesn’t happen overnight. It needs a Vision. It needs Passion to fuel it. And, it needs a Plan.  Not a namby-pamby one. One that has got some oomph within it and push to implement.

Oh, and it does need some work.

Below are my eight steps to fuel your author and publishing success.

Step 1 – Know Your Genre and Who the Top Sellers and Influencers Are … It Excels Your Learning Curve

Author Success starts with knowing who the top writers and influencers are in their genre. Read them; follow their blogs and social media; attend signings and programs that feature them when possible.

Step 2 –Business Embrace that Authoring and Writing is an Ongoing Learning Process … Always
Author Success is supported by being smart. Get, read and use Stephen King’s On Writing for insight; William Zinsser’s On Writing Well for how to; Robert McKee’s Story for fiction; Helen Sedwick’s Self-Publishers Legal Handbook for smarts; Anne Lamott’s Bird By Bird; and mine, Judith Briles’ Snappy Sassy Salty for inspiration.

Attend online and in-person events that expose you to marketing strategies; updates in what’s what in publishing; and work on building your brand and influence. Rarely is learning a “once is all I need” event and it sticks. Revisit programs, workshops, and events. You may have heard it two years ago … but really didn’t absorb all the elements. Repeats work.

Step 3 – Understand that Publishing is a Business … Treat It As One
Author Success comes from grasping that book publishing isn’t a hobby … it has a business plan; a marketing plan; and a P&L. If you are going to be a dabbler, you will get dabbler results.

Step 4 – Show Up and Connect with Other Authors … Support and Encouragement Are In Your Reach
Author Success requires you to participate via writer and publishing conferences; in author gatherings in your community; with where your “readers” hang out; plus where “book buyers” are. And it means you “give”—share your insights and ahas.

Step 5 – Get Help … Savvy Authors Know that They Can’t Do It All
Author Success is not a solo effort. Yes, you kicked it off with your words, stories, insights, and solutions. Remember …* you aren’t an expert in all areas—get help. My advice: don’t do well what you have no business doing.

Step 6 – Embrace Marketing … It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Author Success engages in the marathon approach of book marketing versus the sprint mentality. It is easy to do a one-time book launch. Success comes with ongoing connecting, reaching out, learning how to pitch, maintaining visibility that creates your author success and home runs.

Step 7 – Speak on Your Book and Your Expertise … It Sells Books (lots)
Author Success rolls out as you connect with groups, organizations, clubs—you name it—that have you speak to members. In-person connecting is the #1 way to move books from the case to a buyer’s hands. Attend my annual Speaking Unplugged event—two days of the how-to and where to get gigs.

Step 8 –  Keep Writing … Your Next Book                                            
Author Success requires your ongoing words—blogs, ezines, social media … and more books. Otherwise, you become invisible.


Eight Steps … for sure … none of them happen overnight. My question for you: what are you willing to do to become a successful author … starting today?

Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 37 books including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms, Snappy Sassy Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers, and How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech. Her personal memoir When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present is a #1 bestseller on Amazon. Collectively, her books have earned over 45 book awards. Judith speaks throughout the year at publishing conferences. 

Throughout the year, she holds Judith Briles Book Unplugged experiences: Publishing, Speaking, Marketing, and Social Media. All are two-day intensive limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. Join Judith live for the “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” podcast on the Toginet Radio Network HERE

Follow @AuthorUYOUBooks and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorU, and join the Facebook group Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact me.

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