At any given time, you will be in a group of people. The Book Shepherds: Why write a book? Let me count the ways …#1 Being an author marks you as an expert, The Expert. Your book notches up your status with others who call themselves experts. It enhances the influence you have and you become the go-to person to solve a problem. You can parlay your expertise into appearances within the media or developing/enhancing a speaking career. Writing a book isn’t a piece of a cake like many “think”—it takes discipline, focus, a vision, and oh yes, courage. Those who are looking for a “voice” for a situation and a solution, search for those who have take the time and energy to provide it. Enter the author.
If you want to make your mark, increase your presence, become a media expert, a sought after speaker or consultant, or simply reinvent yourself, a book can be your best friend.