The discomfort of change is a good thing

Author Smarts:Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Wouldn’t it be the cat’s meow if your authoring, publishing and writing worlds were cozy and comfortable?

Wouldn’t it be? But rarely is it. For many authors—we excel at create discomfort. Yup, sometimes for ourselves … and sometimes for our readers.

Your writing can be shocking to some; it can be a rude awakening; it can be action goosing …it can get people off their duffs. Yes … it can be uncomfortable.

If the intent of your words is to provoke change, you’ll be creating discomfort for some. Guaranteed.

We writers are the weather barometers with our words. Sometimes we reflect current thoughts and happenings; other times, we become forecasters.

Change is uncomfortable—it’s easier to talk about the latest movie or what you had for dinner last night.

This past week, two more books for authors I’ve had the pleasure of working with were FINISHED … now the launches are in the planning works; major work and mega hours have been spent getting to this point; smiles are on our faces … and yes, relief. All of us on the team are ready to proclaim, “This is going to help people, this is well-crafted, we are proud of this book and the author.”

What’s a lot more difficult (but important and ) is to say all of the above and add, “…and this is going to make (some) people uncomfortable … and maybe, I’m included.”

Change. Love it and sometimes hate it. But accept it … and for me personally, I’ve always found change to be a good thing. Uncomfortable at times. But in the end, a bridge to good things.

My advice: be comfortable with discomfort.

Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and author of 36 multi-award books. She’s guided over 1,000 authors in creating their books, earned in excess of $3,000,000 in speaking fees based on her books and gathered over $2,000,000 in onsite book sales at her speaking gigs. Her latest book, How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech flips a difficult topic into a simple and easily comprehensible plan. If you want to get into speaking, this is the guide that will be the game-changer to success.

Get your copy today – Available in Print, eBook, Audiobook:

WOOT–get my new audiobook for FREE this week–it’s for How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech–use this link: