When Authors Are Through Changing … It’s an Oh-OH!

How’s your authordom been — calm, serene, laid back, tranquil . . . or maybe, a tad hectic? If the latter, the change factor is most likely the creator. You have a choice. Get on the change train, or get run over. You might say, “I’ll stop writing for a while … or even find something else to do. Either way, you won’t avoid change.

Change — the breeder of resistance for most. It involves identifying what needs to be changed; what process should be used in going through the cycles of change; and what programs and trainings do I need to engage in to learn … to grow with it … and through it.

Organizations come up with all kinds of names and descriptors–reorganization, realigning, repositioning, re _________ (fill in the blank)—whatever the “re” is, you have most likely encountered it throughout your career when working for others. If you browse any business section in a bookstore and you’ll discover that books on change and leadership are the bestsellers. If you are a writer for the topic, it’s usually a good place to claim expertise in.

Without Change, You Stagnate
Change is a constant. It’s woven throughout everything you do. When change is in the air, fear, resistance and denial are normal feelings. Change can be destructive; the sacred cows that you hold dear may be squashed—those old habits and traditions that are adhered to, whether it is good for you or not. You end up carrying baggage that should be dumped.

If you are unwilling to break a few things along the change path, heavy baggage accumulates. Bad habits and sacred cows remain intact. In the end, you sabotage what could be.

It takes courage to embrace change, to thrive with it. Without change, your creativity is stifled, your growth is stunted and great ideas and concepts will die. All elements we authors need. Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

Whatever “Change” is in the air, know that it rarely occurs overnight, there are critical steps in the process. Start with: 

Understand what the proposed change is. If unclear, ask for clarity. This is the single biggest reason most changes get sabotaged—it was never clearly communicated.

Whenever change is in play, clear communication is a must. Use common words to convey new and uncommon ideas, things and events. If you have a crossword vocabulary, this is not the time to use it. Keep communications simple.

How big does it feel? Is that something minor, or does it feel or sound like a major overhaul of everything you currently know about publishing, writing and being an author? Is it a “10” or is it a “2”?

Ask—what factors can you control, influence and not control? Too often, people grumble and complain about things that they can give no input to—focus on what you can influence or control—skip things you can’t control, you are wasting your time and energy (and others).


Identify what skills and strengths you have now that can be used through the change process. Do an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. 



Determine what skills you need to acquire. Just know how to boot up your computer or tablet isn’t enough. What programs do you need to learn; to acquire? Which ones can you dump … that are no longer relevant? It there is a technology you need to use but don’t get … get help–to either do a “show and tell” or just do it for you.


Always ask: what roadblocks could prevent you from succeeding? Are there sacred cows in the way? Is there anyone within the team withholding information that would enable the process to proceed and succeed? Could you be dragging your heels?


What’s the incentive for making the change? Always a good question—what’s in it for you? How about those you work with or who work for you? And for your readers?

Change is here for the rest of your life. Without it, nothing could exist, and life, as present generations currently know it, would cease to exist. Anyone over 30 knows when reflecting back to childhood that computers, VCR’s, DVDs, email and text messaging did not exist. Those under 30 just assume that they are as common as a cold.

There will always be risk and costs to change. And, there are more hazards and risks to your publishing career when stagnation is allowed. Publishing has morphed significantly in the last decade. My two bits: bravo … it’s a great time to be an author and enter the publishing world. It’s work … and it’s workable.

Change, it happens. Embrace it. 

My question for you: what change did you face … that you resisted … and turned out to be one of the best things that happened?



Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and author of 36 multi-award books. She’s guided over 1,000 authors in creating their books, earned in excess of $3,000,000 in speaking fees based on her books and gathered over $2,000,000 in onsite book sales at her speaking gigs. Her latest book, How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech flips a difficult topic into a simple and easily comprehensible plan. If you want to get into speaking, this is the guide that will be the game-changer to success.




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