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Top 10 Tweets from The Book Shepherd

APEHave you heard? Author U is going BANANAS over APE! Everyone who attends the Author U Extravaganza will get a copy of Guy Kawasaki’s APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. With over 1.2 million Twitter followers, 4 million Google+ connections, multiple NY Times best-sellers, former Chief Evangelist for Apple Computer, Guy knows marketing, branding, books and authors … and he’s the Friday, May 3rd Keynoter. And he didn’t publish APE via New York. Saturday’s Keynote will be delivered by Cevin Bryerman, Publisher of Publishers Weekly—he’s allotting plenty of Q&A time.

The Book Shepherd says, “If you want to be seriously successful as an author, get yourself to Denver, Colorado May 2-4 this year. The only excuse is death or dismemberment.”


alert-icon-redALERT: Author U Extravaganza Early Bird at ends soon. What are you waiting for? See my remarks above. Details of all speakers, times are now posted on Author U’s website.  Full agenda, including the Thursday Eagle (Advanced) and Eaglet (Newbie) sessions are up. This is an unbelievable value for your money. Meals included. Workbook included. Over 25 speakers included. Lots of freebies/gifts included. 30 national Exhibitors included. Wifi included. Schmoozing included. Entertainment included. You have to get yourself there. You have to register. The Author U Extravaganza is the premier Register NOW: What’s very, very cool about Author U is that it feeds your brain and your belly.

Yesterday, Your Guide to Book Publishing focused on master selling strategies via online with Daniel Hall.Tune in at 6 Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mountain, 3 Pacific and for our out-of-the-country members and followers … you are going to have to do the clock crunching for your time zone at You can also go to The Book Shepherd’s Home page of, scroll down and click on it, plus the past five shows.



Tweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are Author U’s Top Ten Tweets from the past week that you may have missed …

 Success & Resources
27 pre-designed calls-to-action in a handy PowerPoint template. Free @HubSpot. Opt-in required.
What is Quora and how will it help the selfpublished authors and book marketing?
Author tips-3 steps in contacting literary agents for your book and you to getpublished podcast.

Social Media and Marketing Strategies
8 Ways to Instantly Improve the Quality of Your Marketing Content
10 Important Facts of Blog Promotion
Blogging ROI: 15 Ways Blogs Make Money
5 Book Club Tips for Authors-if you are hosting, good reminders.
Feel free to post your books on MagazineTwit’s Facebook Page


Cool and Sometimes Goofy
Super Bowl alert: Hit the sweet spot of Super Bowl snacks with eggshell cupcakes! Got 5 min? This is lovely–flash of Ode de Joy to inspire the author and writer soul. Very cool.

GuidetoBookPub_250x191Bonus: Last week’s Your Guide to Book Publishing was with Mark Malatesta was incredibly revealing about agents. or you can download directly from the website. Don’t forget to fill out “About” on your FB page. It’s what people see! Add your URL there. And make sure that it shows your email to contact you at, not FB’s Not following Author U on Twitter? Change that and follow: @AuthorU Not in Author U LinkedIn Group? Join on LinkedIn today.