Here we are … the last week of May. Another snowstorm in my neck of the country … and we are all wondering—are the veggies going to grow this year? This weekend, I’m immersed with dear friends Ellen and Glenda in Arizona – my body is looking forward to some sun rays, cooking with friends … and planning the gear up for start the rollout of my new book, When God Says NO. It’s the ideal book to have, and to give, to anyone who is going through (or has been through) rough times. I’ve been there. Done that. And come out of it. Discover my journey to where I’m at today.
It’s Memorial Day weekend. My heart and thank-yous to the men and women who have served, have given and are serving in our military.
AuthorYOU SALONs are typically held the second Saturday of each month … perfect for authors located in Colorado—happens in my living room. Coffee and Tea are on me – bring ideas and questions … always—you leave with ideas and answers. If you are in the Denver area, drop by … it’s the AuthorYOU Salon a gathering and brainstorming for authors starts at 9 and goes to Noon. And you bring a snack to share and new socks that I give to the homeless and those in need. If you are in my “hood” … come on over! Details are at
Friday mornings are the place to be with other authors! I love the Friday coaching that happens early each Friday AM. I always have a “new tip” for the group, then it opens up to “catch up” and “asks”. Become a subscriber so you can get
Friday Coaching for less than a weekly glass of wine; for less than a weekly Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit – Combo at Chick-fil-A; for less than 3 movie tickets! ALERT …we do this on Zoom … you need to connect with me. Only $27 a month—limited amount of subscribers allowed. We gather via Zoom at 7 AM. The dress? Totally casual. Get on board –it’s fun and informative … and you get all questions answered. This is for any author anywhere!
Register here:
THIS WEEK on Author YOU – Your Guide to Book Publishing, the topic is: SALES with Bobbi Boldon as my guest. Bobbi did an excellent workshop earlier in the month. This is Part I of a two-parter. Get savvy, and use this and next week’s podcast as a “refresher” to revamp how you pitch yourself and see what happens– listen in to this podcast with Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd. Tune in for the LIVE show at 6 Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mountain, 3 Pacific and for our out-of-the-country members and followers … you are going to have to do the clock crunching for your time zone at You can also go to the Home page of, scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and are instantly there! With over 100,000 downloaded podcasts each month from around the world, you are in good company!
Here are your Top Ten Tweet for the past week
Tweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are The Book Shepherd’s® Top Ten Tweets from the past week that you may have missed …
Author, Publishing and Resource Success
5 Questions Every #Entrepreneur Must Answer to Succeed 1. Could I be more productive? 2. Do I have a clear vision? 3. Are the objectives outlined? 4. Am I going BIG or coasting? 5. What changes must be made? #digitalmarketing #entrepreneurship
“Done is better than perfect.” – Anonymous
Enable your entire team to access and use your colors, logos, and fonts in their own designs with @canva Pro. #SMM #socialmedia #socialtips #DIYdesign
Social Media and Marketing Strategies
How I Gain 1,260 Instagram Followers Per Week
Instagram Creator Accounts: What Marketers Need to Know
How to Create a Successful Pin for Pinterest… #PinterestTips #DIYDesign #VisualMarketing
Writers & Writing
WritingPrompt: Your character’s prom date went … not so well. Why?
Keep these tips in mind while writing each and every blog post.
How do you open the first sentence or paragraph to grab a reader’s attention and keep them glued to the very end of your story or article? #writing #writingtips
Cool things and OMG moments!
Is This A Pit Bull Or A Human?
Remember … you can listen to over 300+ programs that Author U Founder Judith Briles has created for your book and authoring success: , scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and you are instantly there! Or you, subscribe directly on iTunes:
The Book Shepherd®