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Top Ten Twitter Tweets of May 26, 2018

As May comes to a close, sections of my home state of Colorado were pounded with hail storms that looked like snow as it piled up on the ground. I breathed as we only got a “kiss” of it versus the three inches that hammered cars, windows, and gardens minutes away from my home. Three years ago, my roof was toast after a severe weather happening.

Looking forward to the fifth annual Book Publishing Unplugged event. Join me for an intensive three days working and learning directly from me in just four weeks. There are ONLY 3 spots left for the Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged 3-day event June 21-23. Is one of them yours?

Grab your spot:

If you are in Colorado, meet me at my home on Saturday, June 2 for the monthly AuthorYOU Circles. It’s a freebie, but you need to register for our Authorfest. Get all dates for 2018 at

Become a subscriber so you can get Friday Coaching for less than a weekly glass of wine; for less than a weekly Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit – Combo at Chick-fil-A; for less than 3 movie tickets! Only $27 a month—limited amount of subscribers allowed. Two times: 7 AM and Noon Mountain time. The dress? Totally casual. This is for any author anywhere!  

Register here: 


 … AND, how’s your week been?


THIS WEEK on  Author YOU  – Your Guide to Book Publishing, host Dr. Judith Briles dug into the “how-tos” of printing in today’s publishing world. Meg Souza from Total Printing Systems is the featured guest. It all adds to author and book success. Listen in via the website or via iTunes.   

Tune in for the LIVE show at 6 Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mountain, 3 Pacific and for our out-of-the-country members and followers … you are going to have to do the clock crunching for your time zone at You can also go to the Home page of, scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and are instantly there!  With over 100,000 downloaded podcasts each month from around the world, you are in good company! 


Here are your Top Ten Tweet for the past weekTweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are The Book Shepherd’s® Top Ten Tweets from the past week that you may have missed …

Social Media and Marketing Strategies

  • 21 Ways Authors Recommend Books to Their Readers via @BookBub#bookmarketing #indieauthors

  • 133 Experts Reveal the Best #SocialMediaManagement Tools in 2017 (With Leaderboard) via @Bulkly

  • What is #NaNoProMo and How Can It Help YOU Sell More Books?

Success & Resources

  • #GreatBookReviews like this from Michigan Quarterly can be yours at TheNewBookReview. Submission help in the left column.
  • Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you ~ Anne Lamott

Writers & Writing

  • “Writing in a different genre brings with it much joy and a whole new set of challenges and detour.”… #womenwriters #mondayblogs@MarinThomas

  • 4 Ways You Can Make Time to Blog Right Now

  • “If you can integrate your truth into your writing, it will only be more powerful” thx @ThornCoyle

  • How to Use Adjectives Wisely and Judiciously via @JaneFriedman#grammar #amwriting

Cool things and OMG moments!




Remember … you can listen to over 300+ programs that Author U Founder Judith Briles has created for your book and authoring success: , scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and you are instantly there! Or you, subscribe directly on iTunes: 


The Book Shepherd™