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June’s Author’s Ark is Ready to Sail – Are You On It?

Author's Ark

The Author’s Ark with Judith Briles … Surviving and Thriving in the Flood of Authoring and Publishing Coaching Groups

I’ve loved the Saturday Salons I do in my home in Colorado once a month that are “open” to all authors at any stage. With a bit of prodding from them and many friends with the “Why don’t you ….”, I’m doing it. The creation of The Author’s Ark with Judith Briles … Surviving and Thriving in the Flood of Authoring and Publishing Coaching Groups will allow me to share my wealth of speaking, authoring and publishing moxie that I’ve gathered over 35, gulp, years.

Your Commitment: only $497 per month … and a maximum of 12 participants may be in any one group with a minimum commitment of three months. You will complete a questionnaire before the first Ark. Think of this as intense coaching … coaching that will keep you out of publishing doo-d00 and accelerate your success. You’ve got an intimate mastermind group; webinars designed just for you; Judith guiding each segment live; and a laser coaching session each month with her as well.

The Next Author’s Ark Sets Sail in June

Live Webinar dates these are only for you: on MONDAYS at 4 pm Eastern

June 2, 16
July 7, 21
August 4, 18

Group Coach Sessions are  Mondays June 23, July 28, August 25
Your individual monthly session with Judith will be set independently.

Throughout your time, Judith will post the next Webinar, Group Coaching and One-on-One Coaching as reminders–make sure you sign up for them so you get all the prompts prior to each session. Ready to get on The Author’s Ark? Go to the Events tab on The Book Shepherd website NOW and sign up.

Don’t be left out!