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Limping Leadership

What happens when a team, a group, a company or an organization loses its vision, its organization, it energy, its leadership and/or its passion? Simply, it dies.

Some deaths are sudden. Most are prolonged, and can be agonizing.

Gumblings and complaints about the leadership or management (people who don’t care–people who don’t appear or seem to be invested in the company or group–people who really lack organization experience–people who fail to connect–or people who don’t know that they are the wrong fit).

Concerns about apparent visual declines in surroundings or methods of communication (magazines or newsletters decline in quality, or disappear; emails are nothing more than a bunch of words without some type of catchy graphic; management/leadership fades into the background; physical surroundings begin to look worn or tired; or sponsored events become a minor reflection of yesteryear).

Too many leaders within the company or organization don’t really lead; they act as parking attendants.

If you are a member of a group or organization that appears to be limping along, what should you do? Nothing is not your answer. If this is your employment–dusting your resume is a good idea; re-evaluating what you do and where you want to do it; IDing what other companies employ people like you or produce the product or services that you are so good at creating; go to the CEO and let them know you’ve got a killer strategy (if you do) to add to the value and profitability of the company; move on.

Association–profits and non-profits typically die or limp along for years when a powerhouse leader or board moves on. These organizations usually have a high degree of turnover–their bylaws mandate it. And that’s the problem. Unless each new team of leadership is as strong, as visionary and as organized as its predecesor, the limp factor becomes engaged. If you are a member of such a group, you are going to have to have a serious discussion with yourself. Ask: are you getting anything out to belonging to the group … hanging with the members, any benefits that it has that you can’t get elsewhere, what? If you really can’t think of any, than it’s time to move on as well. Don’t renew your membership.

It is painful to watch a company or organization that you care for or have been deeply vested in begin to implode. Painful.
With that said, when it’s over, it’s over. Grieve, but move on and find new life. Don’t become a parking attendant.

And that, is a very good thing.