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Strength in Numbers at Signings

Book signings can be successful, if done right. The average book signing sells 4 books—yuk. You’ve got to do everything you can to get bodies there … warm and buying ones. It’s critical to know which book stores do a better job than others. Denver, Colorado’s Tattered Cover is superb … so is Seattle, Washington’s Elliott Bay and Portland, Oregon’s Powell’s. If one of the superstars of independent bookstores commits to you, they will do in-store publicity within their newsletter and most likely in the ads run in the Sunday newspaper. They are the exception…
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Self Publishing is Legitimate and Valid

Rocky Mountain News Book Editor Patti Thorn’s Grinch column on 12-13-03 earns coal for her stocking—lots of it. Thorn’s blast on self-published books is out of place and a few years out-of-date. Granted, there are lots of books published each year—some great ones and some not so great ones from self-publishers—and from NY houses. To throw all self-published books into the trash heap is irresponsible and downright ignorant…
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