Author Smarts: The Power of “Re” As last year came to an end, I started my simmering process. A noodling of what I imagined I wanted to do going forward for The Book Shepherd and for me personally. I know that I have The Author’s Walk on my writing calendar with...
Does Your Book Suck … or Soar? For the Publishing at Sea event each winter, I must supply a copy of each book that each author will sell on the ship. The “gatekeeper” gives her thumbs up and okay. What would the book need to do to get the approval? She wanted to see...
Covers and ISBNs are critical … what are the “differences” in the self-publishing markets and the indie publishing markets is the inclusion of the LCCN–the Library of Congress Number. If you want your book in the library, you best...
Why, oh why, do self-published authors insist on creating mediocre book covers? At a recent publishing conference, I talked with a gaggle of newly published authors. As proud as a new Dad or Mom, they put their treasure in my hands. Too many times, the cover was...
It’s always wise to “get” which book covers are hot, which are cold, and which just drip and limp along. You have an assignment to get your tush to your favorite brick and mortar book store. If you don’t have one, adopt one immediately. It will...