Have you noticed? The publishing world has morphed on a daily basis … If you are a new author, you’ve got publishing questions. Plenty of them. If you are an already published author, you should have publishing questions. Plenty of them. As an author, ask:...
Moving from Wannabe Author to the Real Thing It never fails … at every conference Judith speaks at, multiple attendees will say, “I can’t believe you’ve written all these books … I wish I could write a book.” And she always responds, “Why not … you can.” Is...
Recently, I responded to a query from an author who wanted to transition from self-publishing to traditional publishing. She had successfully sold 60,000 books on her own. The first words out of my mouth were, “Why would you want to do that?” And then …I’m...
After spending several hours with a client who was incredibly frustrated (and most likely PO’d at me for being the messenger) that what she had so carefully structured in her 8 x 11 print out version was most likely NOT going to be the same presentation in the...
It’s all about finding the RIGHT buyer for your book. And, it’s all about finding the RIGHT pitch to make to them! Step 1 … The Pitch and Platform When someone asks what your book is about … what do you say as you Pitch them your work and words? Do you...