Publishing is morphing on a daily basis … If you are a new author, you’ve got publishing questions. Plenty of them. If you are an already published author, you should have publishing questions. Plenty of them. As an author, ask: should I traditionally...
Do you have high performance patterns and strategies, yet throw them out the window when faced with … Facebook? Do you twitch instead of Tweet and become disconnected instead LinkedIn? Would you rather pine for something else besides Pinterest? Or how about...
Moving from Wannabe Author to the Real Thing It never fails … at every conference I speaksat, multiple attendees will say, “I can’t believe you’ve written all these books … I wish I could write a book.” And she always responds, “Why not … you can.” Moving from Wannabe...
One question that most authors don’t know to ask is, “How do I get the LCCN?” What’s a LCCN? Good question—it’s the Library of Congress number that shows that you exist, and the one that any library that you are pitching your book to wants to know you have. The good...
Summer has passed and Fall is here, authors start thinking book marketing and business again. Book award possibilities are at every corner. Your email may be loading up with a variety of solicitations to enter book awards. Do you … or don’t you? Are they worth the...