When a Crisis Strikes, Authors’ Words Matter

When a Crisis Strikes, Authors’ Words Matter

One person can make a difference—many will build a strong and thriving community. And another can shatter a community, harming many and in some cases destroying the essence of their breath, leaving their families and friends gasping. The power of an author’s and writer’s words can aid healing.

Years ago, a person surfaced Saturday a.m. shortly after midnight in a dark theater in the community that I live in—Aurora, Colorado—and what the media labeled the Colorado Massacre. A variation of that scenario has become too common place.

  • It would fuel the news for weeks, maybe months. This one deranged person has changed the lives of countless—adults, kids, families, friends—the community of Aurora within the Metro Denver of Colorado, the state of Colorado—as well as the rest of the country forever.
  • It affected one of my client’s where one of her family member fought for his life in the ICU at University Hospital in Aurora.
  • It affected others because I have friends of friends who were there for a much anticipated evening—the summer movie event.

I was on the East Coast at a conference when it happened. Working late in my room on a manuscript for a client who was living in Africa for a few days, it was shortly after 2:00 a.m. my time. My cell phone’s screen lit up. Tweets, emails and Facebook postings started coming in during those wee hours of the morning, “Are you ok?”

At first, I was amused—why was I getting these?—and then one came across that referred to a “shooting at movies.” That got my attention. What shooting? And what movie? I soon found out. It was until 9:00 a.m. that I could verify that my grandson was okay—he too had joined in with the many thousands who went to see the newly released Batman at the various movie complexes in our community.

Fast forward to today. And it’s daily. News of shootings. Disasters. Massive injuries and deaths. Neighborhoods, communities, and peoples are seized by some type of horror. Airwaves fill our ears and eyes with it. Gatherings buzz with the latest.

Dear writers and authors, remember the power of your voices; the power of your words; the power of your opinions; and the power each of you has in helping others. We writers and authors must stay visible—to reach out to our communities when our voices and words can make a difference. Especially during crisis times.

  • Those who have the gift of writing healing words need to come forth—get them out there.
  • Those who have the gift of sharing the stories of those lost lives need to come forth—seek them and share with others the beauty of those who died; those who are recovering; and those who helped so many through the shocking late hours of the dark night.
  • Those who have the gift of sharing with others ways in which to advise many on how they can help hurting family, friends, neighbors, and strangers—come forth with your ideas so that we in turn can domino them.

A decade ago, I had the opportunity to work with two authors. From it, When Crisis Strikes: What to Do, What to Say, How to Help by Allidah Hicks and Bonnie Kunti was published. It highlights hundreds of ideas on how anyone—from close loved ones to perfect strangers—can say, “I care, I’m thinking of you.” For Kindle readers, it’s available with a click here for less than $10. Something I recommend you have: https://bit.ly/HelpingWhenCrisisStrikes



Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. Often, she must roll up her writing sleeves and become a Book Doctor, juicing up storylines and author words. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 44 books and honored with 51 book awards including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book PlatformsSnappy Sassy Salty: Success for Authors and Writers, and How to Create a Million Dollar Speech. Her personal memoir When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present is a #1 bestseller on Amazon and her historical fiction debut Secret Journey. Collectively, her books have earned over 45 book awards. Judith speaks throughout the year at publishing conferences. 

Throughout the year, she holds Judith Briles Book Unplugged in-person and online experiences: Publishing, Speaking, Marketing, and Social Media. All are two-day intensives limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. Join Judith live for the “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” podcast on the Toginet Radio Network HERE

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