Authors … Are You Surfing the Podcasting Wave?

Podcasting is sizzling hot. Over 50% of homes in the US listening to podcasts–that’s over 60 million! Some residents listen within the walls … some grab their earbuds and head out for a walk; some listen in the cars. There are over 1,000,000 different podcasts to listen to with a combined 30 million episodes to tap into.

That’s a wowsa. Five years ago, I jumped on the podcasting wave. My favorite media format has always been the radio. I made a decision to always broadcast about publishing, book marketing, and author success. To have guests … and at times, just go with myself as the expert. And not to repeat an already published show, also known as an encore. 

AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing was birthed. The show is always live on Thursday. Meaning that if any holiday landed on “my Thursday”, no matter what, a fresh new episode would be delivered to my listeners. Faithfully, it has been done since inception.

A social media campaign would be created to promote it; the topic; and the guest who generously gave his or her time for an hour. If he or she were there for me; then I would be there for them and promote their expertise, knowledge, product, website, etc. It would be a two-way street. In 2020, I made the decision to only push listeners to my podcast landing page versus to any one of the platforms it was carried on. When I did, we saw our download numbers significantly increase … HERE … that when it is displayed, it looks like this … and it takes them to this:

Viewers see the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing logo, a description of the show PLUS 6 of the latest episodes with the ability to click more to see many more shows. When the show page link became the new normal to use on social media, the show’s downloads skyrocketed. Visitors to the page immediately saw the variety to choose from.

Starting with one listener. That was husband John who didn’t want me to feel I was alone … to reaching over 1,000,000 during one of the COVID months. In a typical month, the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing gets 9,000 to 20,000 downloads a day. It now can be found on nine platforms: Toginet Radio Network (its home platform) plus Stitcher, iHeart Radio, MixCloud, Spotify, PlayerFM, iTunes, Blubrry, and the latest: AmazonMusic.

Each platform has its own fans. Collective, imagine where your words; your wisdom; your sage advice; and your marvelous storytelling can land!

There’s a lot of opportunities out there.

  • Have you chosen to swim with it?
  • Are you podcasting?
  • Are you reaching out to be a guest on one … or many?

It’s not too late to get in the podcasting surf and catch a wave. Join me in the water for building your influence. Will you?


Judith Briles, expert in book publishing

Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and author of 37 multi-award books. She’s guided over 1,000 authors in creating their books, earned in excess of $3,000,000 in speaking fees based on her books, and gathered over $2,000,000 in onsite book sales at her speaking gigs. Her book, How to Create a $1,000,000 Speech flips a difficult topic into a simple and easily comprehensible plan. If you want to get into speaking, this is the guide that will be the game-changer to success. And, if you want to know more about Judith’s life, her book of “hope” is When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present. You can get it HERE

Listen to The Book Shepherd’s weekly podcast: AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing.

Check the Events tab on The Book Shepherd for Judith’s annual Speaking Unplugged, Book Publishing Unplugged, and Book Marketing Unplugged

©2020 Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd