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Get Your Print Books Reviewed Pre and Post Publication

The Library Journal, School Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and ForeWord Reviews are the gold standard in book reviews. Some (Publishers Weekly, ForeWord Reviews and Kirkus have also created a paid for review service—this doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed a blue ribbon with your payment for it. It means that you are guaranteed a review, sometimes “wow”, sometimes not-so-hot. Blue Ink Reviews (also an Author U member and Extravaganza Exhibitor) has garnered an excellent reputation, especially in the library sector. The paid component is usually post-publication. All should get your attention. Also note that ForeWord Reviews participates in the annual American Library Association’s meeting and announces the winners of the IndieFab awards, including Book of the Year.

The Library Journal is one of the prestigious venues to get your book reviewed. Read cover to cover by librarians, if your book is “library friendly” … you want to submit your book for review pre-publication. Make sure you read all the info below… it’s directly from the Library Journals website. Good luck in your quest! 

“Books are selected for their potential interest to a broad spectrum of libraries. Only a few areas of publishing fall outside LJ‘s scope: textbooks, children’s books, very technical or specialized works (particularly those directed at a professional audience), and books in languages other than English. We do, however, consider bilingual editions. Books previously published abroad are eligible if they are being released here for the first time and have a U.S. distributor.

“We prefer to receive materials three to four months in advance of publication date since our primary goal is a pre-publication review (although our collection development and readers’ advisory forums allow for rich post-publication coverage‚ submission info below). We will accept bound galleys, bound page proofs, or bound manuscripts (only one copy is necessary). Those publishers (small houses) that cannot supply advance bound galleys may submit finished books, but these should be sent as early as possible with the words “In lieu of galleys” and the publication date affixed to the cover. We generally avoid reviewing books later than the date of publication, though we do make exceptions for reference and heavily illustrated works‚ if F & Gs are not available, send the finished book as early as possible.

Address materials to:

Book Review Editor
Library Journal
160 Varick Street, 11th Floor
New York, New York 10013

Include the following information: Author, title; name, address, and telephone number of the publisher; date of publication; price; number of pages; and ISBN and LC numbers if available. Please indicate whether any illustrations, an index, or bibliography will be included; also include a brief description of the book, its intended audience, and information on the author’s background.

“Library Journal Book Review is not able to confirm the receipt of galleys. However, when it comes to lead titles (and lead titles only, please), you are welcome to contact via email the Book Review editor most likely to handle your book. In your message, make sure to indicate the title, author, publisher, and publication date.

“The best way to determine if your book has been assigned for review is via our free LJ Review Alert email blast, which lists titles that are going to be reviewed in a given issue roughly six weeks before that issue publishes. LJ Review Alert also highlights recent Xpress Reviews and online collection development and readers’ advisory coverage (as showcased in our free, award-winning LJ Reviews e-newsletter).

“If you have not seen your book listed in LJ Review Alert and cannot find it on our website at the time of its publication, it was not chosen for review.

“Books that fall into the following categories may still be reviewed up to three months after their publication date:

  • Reference
  • Coffee-table books that are heavily illustrated
  • Art books
  • Graphic Novels
  • Crafts and DIY
  • Library Science
  • Poetry

“Please follow up review galleys with a copy of the bound book. Neither books nor galleys can be returned.”


School Library Journal

Submission Terms & Conditions

School Library Journal’s reviews are both positive and negative and make recommendations both for and against the purchase. Our reviewers are encouraged to compare newer titles to materials that are already held in most library collections serving children and young adults. Each title is evaluated on its literary and illustrative quality or on its clarity and accuracy of presentation.

Submission does not guarantee a review. Due to the great volume of materials submitted and space limitations, we cannot review every submission. The editors decide which books and multimedia materials to review based upon potential interest to SLJ readers. All submissions of books and multimedia materials become the sole property of Mediasource, Inc.; requests for the return of materials or other restrictions cannot be honored.

If a review is scheduled for publication, notification will generally be sent to the publisher shortly before the magazine is available; at this time, all reviews are final and not subject to change. Due to the volume of submissions and reviews in progress, it is not always possible to communicate with every publisher about the status of every review. However, should you like to check on the arrival of review materials or the status of a submission, please email Kent Turner


School Library Journal reviews new children’s and young adult general trade books, original paperbacks, and reference books from established publishers. The reviews are available in our monthly magazine and online. In order to be considered for review, books must be of national interest and be readily available from national distributors at an institutional discount. Two copies of the book must be received at least two months before the month of publication. Books received later than that are generally not considered. Galleys and Advanced Reading Copies may be submitted; however, they must be followed by two copies of the finished book. Review coverage is not automatic; many books submitted are not reviewed, mainly due to limited page space.

Publishers on NetGalley may also submit egalleys to SLJ for review consideration, in addition to the regular print mailings. Though egalley submission does not guarantee a review, it may increase the chances of a review and/or speed the process. Publishers submitting egalleys are asked to follow up with print review copies as well as one copy of the finished book, when available.

It takes a minimum of three months from the time a book arrives for it to be reviewed. No review is published until SLJ has received two copies of the book and the following bibliographic information: author, title, binding(s), price(s), publication month and year, ISBN(s), Library of Congress number (or notice that there will not be one) and whether or not Cataloging in Publication data will appear in the book. Occasionally, a third copy of a book may be requested.

Send materials to SLJ Book Review, School Library Journal, 123 William St., Suite 802, New York, NY 10038

DVDs & Audio Recordings

DVDs and audio recordings (audiobooks and CDs) are eligible for review if they were released during the current year and designed for an audience preschool through the 12th grade. Please submit the material along with information on grade level, running time, copyright, release date, price, and an ordering address.

Send audio recordings to Stephanie Klose, 123 William St., Suite 802, New York, NY 10038; 646-380-0729;

Send DVDs (either screeners or the final copy) to Kent Turner, 123 William St., Suite 802, New York, NY 10038; 646-380-0751;

Apps, Online Resources, and Databases

Reference products and online resources, designed for students through the 12th grade and released during the past year should be sent to Mahnaz Dar, School Library Journal, 123 William St., Suite 802, New York, NY 10038; 646-380-0727;

For app review consideration, please send information to Daryl Grabarek;

Welcome to BookLife, Publishers Weekly’s new website dedicated to indie authors!  In beta now, meaning that the website is being built and program rolled out as you read this, Publishers Weekly encourages all independent publishers and self-publishers to keep checking back. They are promoting books now, there is a quick profile to complete (takes less than one minute, upload your book information … you will see a button titled “Submit Project for PW Review Consideration.”  Click that and fill in the information. At the current time, this is different from PW Select, which charges $149 … this is FREE.

There are two entry points for submitting books for PW review consideration:

– – for self-published authors

– – for publishers

NOTE: Both lead to the same editors, and the reviews are published in the same place.

Frequently asked questions about BookLife, its content and its features.

BookLife also has video tutorials about the site in general, creating an author profile, listing your book and submitting your book for Publishers Weekly review. Click here to see them.

Is it free for me to list my book on BookLife?Why should I sign up for BookLife?

BookLife is a great site for helping indie authors get their books noticed — and you can submit self-published titles for review consideration from Publishers Weekly for free. BookLife also helps indie authors connect with other writers. And, it’s a valuable resource for finding service providers who can help make your book a success.

Yes, BookLife provides a free web page for your title where you can post:

  • cover artwork
  • a description of the book
  • on-sale information for all formats
  • an excerpt
  • reviews
  • news items

And, any time you add a news item or review, it gets posted to the front page of

Does my book need to be finished to be registered for BookLife?
No, you can register for BookLife without a completed book. At BookLife, you can create a “project” page for any title, and indicate where your book is on its self-publishing journey — we give you three different phases to pick from: create, publish, market. And, you can set your project to “private,” if you aren’t ready for other people to see it yet.

Is there a limit to the number of books I can post for free on the site?
There is no limit; you can post as many as you’d like.

How do I create an account?
Click the “Register” button in the upper right corner of the site. To get started, all you need to do is enter your email address and create a password.

Note: Publicists are welcome to create accounts for their clients, but all accounts must be under the author’s own name.

How do I post a book to my account?
On your account panel, which appears when you first login to the site — and which sits on the right side of your screen on every page after you’ve logged in — you’ll see a button titled “Create a Project” under the heading “MY PROJECTS.” Click this button and follow the simple instructions.

Do I need to be a registered user to access BookLife’s content?
No, anyone can access BookLife’s expert advice and content, which are divided into four main sections:

Also available to everyone are BookLife’s self-evaluations:

Plus everyone can keep up with the latest news about self-publishing on BookLife’s News page.

What is BookLife’s Services Directory?
Our Services Directory puts you in touch with professionals who can help you with every aspect of creating a successful book — from editing to cover design to marketing. The Services Directory also shows you which professionals have been endorsed by BookLife users. Click here for more information.

What’s the connection between BookLife and Publishers Weekly?
BookLife is owned and operated by Publishers Weekly, so the content on the site is backed up by PW‘s experience and credibility in the world of publishing. Plus BookLife is the way PW accepts self-published books for review consideration — for free.

You mean it’s free for me to submit my book for review consideration from Publishers Weekly?
Yes, it is completely free. For all of the details, click here.




Due to the volume of submissions we receive, Kirkus cannot review every book submitted. Our editors decide which books to slate for review or feature coverage first by referring to the submission guidelines detailed above and then by trying to predict which books will generate the most interest among our readers.


Kirkus’ editors take great pride in their coverage of books released by small and independent publishing houses. Each year, notable independent houses are included in our Best Books of the Year feature, and we routinely give coverage to publishers outside of the “big five.”

Please note that all self-published books must go through the Kirkus Indie program to get reviewed. In order for a book to be considered for traditional review (following the submission guidelines described above), it must be published under an imprint that publishes multiple authors, and the authors must have zero financial responsibility for the book’s publication (note: this does not include marketing).

Editorial Calendar

Kirkus Reviews magazine is published on the 1st and 15th of every month. In addition, we publish the following supplements:

  • Fall Preview – August 15th
  • Best Books of the Year:
  • Fiction – November 15th
  • Children’s Books – November 15th
  • Nonfiction Books – December 1st
  • Teen Books – December 1st
  • Indie Books – December 15th

Submissions Contact

Clay Smith, Editor in Chief

Please note that due to the volume of emails and phone calls we receive, we do not reply to inquiries regarding whether or not a particular book was slated for review or feature coverage

Foreword Review

You’re an indie author or publisher, and you have a new book at the printer or a recently published gem. It’s beautiful, polished, ready for the eyes of the world, and you’re looking to get it out there for readers to fall in love with. Your first stop is here with Foreword Reviews. Foreword offers beautifully written, objective reviews of indie books, and we’ve been doing it for a readership of librarians, booksellers, and book lovers for over 15 years. Along with flawless credibility and fantastic reach, earning a Foreword book review gives indie authors and publishers more meat on the bone and buzz in the air for publicity campaigns. We have the research to prove that book industry professionals and general readers buy books based on a review in Foreword.

To be considered for a review in the pages of Foreword Reviews magazine, a review copy (printed or digital) of the title in question must be received in the Foreword offices a minimum of four (4) months ahead of publication. Once we have our hands on your book, our managing editor will carefully critique whether it meets our editorial standards. We receive hundreds of worthy titles every month. Due to space limitations, we’re only able to review 150 books per issue of the quarterly magazine. If your book did not make the cut, we also offer objective, 450-word reviews (including a star rating) by Clarion Reviews, Foreword’s fee-for-review service.

Please be sure to review upcoming Foresight Features and deadlines in the 2018 Editorial Calendar.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should include a fact sheet, sell sheet, or press release. All review submissions should be sent to the attention of:

Book Review Editor / Foreword Reviews
425 Boardman Avenue
Traverse City, Michigan 49684

Submission information should include category, title, subtitle, author name and bio, publisher, page count, price, binding, ISBN, and publication date. Press releases or fact sheets should include a brief description of the title, why it is distinctive, etc., as well as contact information. Please also note on your enclosed fact sheet what type of review you are seeking.

eBooks are accepted in the following formats: .pdf, .epub, or .mobi. Foreword will not review titles that are only published as eBooks. Titles must have a print version with a firm pub date.

Submit eBooks by email to

Clarion Review









You’ve published a book, and now realize that it’s hard to get noticed in this overcrowded publishing space. You’ve researched “how to get a book reviewed” but you also want more than a capsule summary. You want a professionally written, objective review with some major credibility. Oh, and you not only want to reach an audience of readers, but also reach the influencers, connectors, mavens, and the salespeople who can quickly get your book in the right hands.

We hear you.

That’s why Foreword created Clarion Reviews over thirteen years ago. We’re the industry’s first and most trusted fee-for-review service for indie and self-publishers. We use a team of more than one hundred qualified reviewers to help you connect your stories with the hearts and minds of booksellers, librarians, and readers excited to find undiscovered indie literature. Our 450-word reviews critique all aspects of your book and have an express delivery of 4-6 weeks. With your permission, your review will be posted on our high traffic website and licensed to book wholesalers. Our partners, such as Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Cengage, Bowker, and EBSCO will spread the word to thousands of librarians and booksellers.

A Clarion Review provides three important elements to be used immediately in your marketing efforts:

The Money Quote

Placed on top of the review, this powerful testimonial boils down the entire piece into one sentence, telling readers instantly what distinguishes this book. Clarion Money Quotes use active, dynamic language that can be lifted easily for promotional purposes.

The First Paragraph

This well-written introduction tells readers, in a compact, conversational, positive way, what the book is about and what our reviewer thought of it. It could also stand alone, if necessary, as a one-paragraph mini-review.

The Star Rating

We’ll give you 400-500 words detailing much more than a mere plot synopsis. Clarion Reviews give authors and readers a comprehensive critique of the writing, plot, pacing, characters, packaging, and other elements that will influence potential book buyers. The reader will not only know what the book is about, they will get a complete analysis from a professional writer who specializes in specific fields of study (book genres). Your book will be rated with one to five stars based on excellence.

How to Get Started

If you are ready to get your book reviewed, simply click here to order a Clarion Review. We’ll need some basic information to get your account opened. You’ll receive directions on how to send us your book—in any format—on your receipt once you’ve placed your order. The review fee is $499 per book. When the review has been completed, you’ll get a notification (including the review) via email, and we’ll wait for your instructions on whether to post it or keep it private.

Two Reviews for Your Book

We’ve partnered with BlueInk Review to offer you a special two-review package for the discounted price of just $695 (a savings of $299). BlueInk Review was founded by literary agent Patricia Moosbrugger and award-winning former book review editor of the Rocky Mountain News, Patti Thorn, and offers reviews written by professionals drawn largely from mainstream media outlets or editors who have worked at respected publishing houses. In addition to your Clarion Review, you’ll receive:

Fast-Track BlueInk Review (regularly priced at $495)

BlueInk Reviews are written by a professional book reviewer and are between 250-300 words in length and returned to you within 4-6 weeks. With your permission, BlueInk Review posts finished reviews to their website which is specifically designed to be user-friendly for readers, librarians, agents, and editors. Like Clarion Reviews, BlueInk Reviews are also distributed to important licensees some of which include Ingram’s iPage and Oasis databases (used by over 70,000 booksellers and librarians), the iDream Books website, and more.

Note:  Your reviews from Clarion and BlueInk Review must be for the same book, and that book must be self-published, as BlueInk Review reviews self-published titles exclusively. If you wish to purchase both reviews, you must do so as a separate transaction from any other purchase you wish to make.






Blue Ink Review
Professional Reviews of Independently Published Books

Print may still be black and white, but the world of publishing is suddenly every color of the rainbow. With new technology making it easier for authors to print, market and even distribute their work, writers are releasing e-books, print-on-demand titles, even stories serialized on their own websites — all without the help of traditional publishing houses. It’s a kaleidoscope of options that are constantly evolving.

But one thing hasn’t changed: No matter how authors choose to publish, they still need the credibility that comes with an objective book review. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has largely shut self-publishers out of this review process.

That’s where BlueInk Reviews comes in.

Founded by respected literary agent Patricia Moosbrugger and award-winning former book review editor of the Rocky Mountain News, Patti Thorn, BlueInk is the gold standard in reviews of self-published work. In the process, we bring to this ever-expanding world a user-friendly online experience that offers a bridge to larger distribution.

While fee-based, all BlueInk reviews are honest appraisals, written by professionals drawn largely from mainstream media outlets or editors who have worked at well-respected publishing houses. As our critics discover worthy titles, we celebrate the finest of these books — featuring them in high profile positions on our web page and vigorously promoting them to publishers, librarians and literary agents and editors.


BlueInk considers for review any book that has been published at least in part through the efforts and payments of its author (commonly called a “self-published” or “independently published” book). Even if your publisher pays you royalties, if you financed the publication in some way, including, for example, by committing to purchase a quantity of books, your book would qualify for a review.

We review ebooks, on-demand books, printed books in any format, English translations and English-language submissions from outside the United States, as well as galleys.


Choose below from these options:

  • Standard Review ($395 for the review to be completed in 7-9 weeks).
  • Fast Track Review ($495 for the review to be completed in 4-5 weeks).
  • 2-Review Package with BlueInk Review and Foreword Clarion Review ($695 for both; for more information on this offering, please click here).

Then make sure to read through our policies, decide whether you’ll be mailing your book or uploading it as a PDF (with the exception of the 2-Review Package, there is a $19.95 handling charge for this service because reviewers generally prefer to read hard copies; the fee covers printing costs), and submit your order.


After you push the “order” button, you’ll be sent to a page asking you to fill in more details about yourself and your book. This information is used to help your book get found by readers through our site search engines. You’ll then be guided through the process of uploading your PDF or sending your book (2 copies) to the BlueInk offices.

That’s it! Once your review is finished, we’ll send it to you. At that time, you can opt out of running your review on our site, if you wish. For more details on this, see agreement below.

Standard Review $395




James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937

Author/Publisher Information (Get a Book Reviewed)

The Midwest Book Review gives priority consideration to small publishers, self-published authors, academic presses, and specialty publishers whenever possible. Reviewing print books/CDs/DVDs is always free of charge.

We gladly review audiobooks, but we can only accept physical review copies of audiobooks on CD or MP3-CD. We cannot accept download links, digital audiobooks, or digital audio files that have been “burned” to a CD.

There is a charge of a $50 “Reader Fee” for reviewing ebooks, pre-publication manuscripts, galleys, uncorrected proofs, ARCs, or pdf files. If you wish to pursue this option, then send us an email with “Reader Fee Request” in the subject line, and we’ll send you the name and email address of the assigned reviewer. The reviewer will tell you what information is needed along with a copy of the title to be reviewed. We request that you send the $50 “Reader Fee” directly to the assigned reviewer, not to the MBR.

To submit a print book for review, we require the following:

  1. Two copies of the published book.
  2. A cover letter.
  3. A publicity or press release. This (or the cover letter) must include either a physical address or an email address to send the review to.

There is an approximate 4 to 6-week “window of opportunity” for a book to be assigned out for review.

If/when a book makes the final cut and is featured, we will automatically send a tear sheet to the publisher for their records. When a book has been submitted on a publisher’s behalf by an independent publicist, we will also try to furnish the publicist with a tear sheet for their files as well. It is the publisher’s responsibility to inform authors and editors of the review.

As of January 2014, we have instituted a new policy especially for authors and publishers whose book passed the initial screening, but didn’t make the final cut because of “too many books, not enough reviewers”. These authors or publishers may submit the MBR a review from any other reviewer or review resource, as long as they have that reviewer’s permission to do so. We will run the review in our monthly book review publication Reviewer’s Bookwatch, under that reviewer’s byline. (Of course, the reviewer retains all copyright and ownership rights to their review, just like any other contributor to the Reviewer’s Bookwatch.)

This policy is retroactive, so if you have ever submitted a book to the Midwest Book Review in the past and it failed to achieve a review assignment from us, then this offer is open to you.




Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 35 books including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms (Foreword IndieFab Book of the Year), Snappy Sassy Salty: Wise Words for Authors and Writers and a speaker at publishing conferences. Book #35, How to Avoid 101 Book Publishing Blunders, Bloopers & Boo-Boos has earned 7 national book awards in 2017Get your copy now.

Each summer, she holds Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged Bootcamp, a three-day intensive limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. In 2018, the dates are June 23-25.  Participate in her Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged Bootcamp held in March and November. Join Judith live on Thursdays at 6 p.m. EST for “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” on the Toginet Network at

Follow @AuthorUYOUBooks and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorU, and join the Facebook group Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact me.

The Book Shepherd ™