Next Moves for Boomers

To retire, or not to retire? For the Boomer generation (1946-1964), just what is retirement?If you are a Boomer, most likely you’ve noticed a few changes. Some are physical … you creak, might not be as flexible as just a few years ago, may be thinking about joint...

The New Boss from Hell

Think pre-2000. Your stocks are doing great; your 401(k) is on track; your job is ideal; you’ve got all the benefits you could imagine wanting; and the people you work with and for make your workplace a joy.  Your life was almost perfect . . . until your boss...

Negativity Plus!

Do you feel droopy? Does the nightly news or the morning papers depress you? Do you work with people who continue to grumble about everyone and anything? Is anyone in your family always looking at the glass being half-empty? Do you know people who just don’t...

Lose the Losers and Keep the Keepers

Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the breaking point when you decide that enough is enough. Whether you’ve been overlooked for a promotion, put down by a coworker or manager or work in a toxic workplace, you’ve decided that you are out of there. The excuse you give, and...