Newbie Salon
Thank you for all of the valuable information I learned at your Newbie Publishing Salon. My only regret is not signing up for this class sooner! I look forward to seeing you at future sessions.
Rita Zamora
Making Referrals a Reality
Thanks so much for inviting join the Newbie Salon. The day was informative, fun, and exhilarrned so much and have new energy for my project.
Anne Randolph
Soup Kitchen Writing
I had a great time and wonderful learning experience at the Newbie Salon. I am excited that I have a title for a book, and I can’t wait to start writing the chapters.
Kelly Johnson, Online Business Manager
Cornerstone Virtual Assistance, LLC
The Salon yesterday was terrific. Thanks, Judith, for all of your marvelous energy and smarts!!! This is definitely the
way to go for anyone who wants to publish ANYTHING!! After all, why re-invent the wheel?
Erika Brown
Stellar Woman
Your course provided the catalyst to get me back to writing my book! Soon enough I’ll be needing an editor!
Ellen Naylor
Thank you for your fabulous Newbie Publishing Salon last Friday! I was thrilled with your industry expertise and approach to publishing. Giving the numbers up front was comforting to me. It allowed me to focus better on the rest of the content knowing that I can attract people to prepay and fund my project. Thanks again for a great salon! I am truly excited about the prospect of publishing my first book.
Candace Higgins
Founder and Director
Center for Intentional Living
Last Friday’s salon was so enjoyable and it turned out to be just the PUSH I needed.
Jeanette Courtad
Thank you for a terrific day. It was more than I had expected.
Liz Beerman
I have attended two of Judith’s Salons, the Publishing Salon and the Speaking Salon. Both of the Salons were just great—informative and fun. Judith makes these Salons an interactive experience. Each person, if they wish, can participate, and Judith ties it all together with her amazing energy, experience, and creative thoughts. Very special and highly recommended.
Joan H. McWilliams, Esq.
McWilliams Mediation Group Ltd
The Peace Finder
Amazing and very helpful! I have so much more focus on where I “may” be going with my books. Can’t wait to come back for more.
Dayn Conrad
Iris and Her Amazing Garden
“Judith, thanks so much for a wonderful publishing salon. It was worth the price of admission alone to have my title and concept validated by peers.
After working by myself for so long, this was invaluable. After you told me that I was ready to go to print, I was scared. But I went home and set a deadline to get it to the editor within a month and a half. It’s happening!” Alyson B. Stanfield
I’d Rather Be in the Studio!
The Artist’s No Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion
This was one of the most helpful workshops that I’ve attended.
Judy Kundert
The Magic Chest series
The workshop/salon was very helpful and fun.
Gene L. Morton
I very much enjoyed learning what to do and what not to do when it comes to publishing. The workshop reinforced how important marketing is and how easy it is to it wrong. (don’t I know?)
I found it valuable from a financial and energetic point of view, that you outlined what to do, in the order necessary for self-publishing. Your curriculum was very comprehensive and full of lots of information that will save me lots of time. It was a great day, great people there and you are a great facilitator! I look forward to more workshops with you.
Janice Hoffman
Relationship Rules
Thank you! Arigato! Gracias! Merci! Spaceba! Agad! and other Thank yous for the hospitable, knowledgeable Saturday. When things are ‘just right’ – there is that feeling of satisfaction for guests and hosts.
Roger Stanley Aloysius O’Brien
The best part of the Publishing Salon was the continual group interactions. By working together, we each made major changes in our titles and how we were going to promote our books. We also covered exactly where the money is in book publishing and how you can maximize your financial return. I highly recommend this interactive salon to anyone who is serious about making money as an author!
JV Crum, III
Conscious Millionaire series
It was wonderful to be able to participate with you at Judith’s Publishing Salon on Saturday! I have lot to learn ~ on my mission… and I thank you for allowing me to learn from you! I am more than willing to brain storm with you and appreciate your feedback ~ and contacts ~ that I might further my goals to speak to audiences about my educational children’s books and overcoming autism with my game.
Rhonda Spellman
Fire and Ice
The workshop reinforced how important marketing is and how easy it is to it wrong. Your curriculum was very comprehensive and full of lots of–information that will save me lots of time.
Marilyn McCormick
A Fearless Guide to Starting a Profitable 5K Business
Fabulous! If I follow up on just a few of the many suggestions, it was well worth my time and money. Judith has a wealth of knowledge to share and seems genuinely interested in the success of each person.
Mary Zalmaneck
Adventures of the Heart
Thank you SO MUCH for the marvelous Saturday Salon!
Mara Purl
Closer Than You Think
Haven House Books
I really got a lot out of the workshop. There was so much to talk about on each subject we covered. I will be going over the notes I took in my notebook and using your suggestions as I get to them in my marketing plan. I appreciate the detailed information you gave us. For example, figuring out how I was supposed to price my book.
Mandy Ziegler
The day gave me a lot to think about. I think your idea of splitting the session into two groups, one for people who are just publishing and one for people with books is good. However, I learned things I didn’t know about publishing that will be beneficial for my next book.
Carol Ann Kates
Secrets and Recipes from the Corner Store Market
Thanks for your enthusiasm, the way you kept us all on track and the extensive, honest feedback and information. The workshop was informative, collaborative and exciting. I will gladly refer people to furure Salons.
Gail Waldstein
To Quit This Calling
Intensive Speaking Salon. You offer what you promise–a day that goes quickly, skills, resources, structure, practice in creating stories, and much more. Plus, you drew together four workshop participants who found themselves enriching and learning from each other.
Carol Sullivan
Thank you for the speaking salon. I came away with exactly what I wanted, and although my own direction, at this point in time is not full time speaking, I feel like I have a solid grounding in what needs to happen to prepare and perhaps stretch out into a few (paid) speaking engagements in my own area(s) of expertise. I loved the ideas about bringing drama into school presentations and will work on developing a few things to present both to teachers and students.
Nancy Oswald
Wow that was great. Thank you. We have a good focus now to move ahead. You are a wise teacher. We appreciate you!
Greg Meyerhoff and Anne Salisbury, PhD, MA, MBA
Intuitive Advantage, Inc.
Eureka! and The Eureka Factor!
I can’t tell you much I enjoyed the Salon. I have rarely been speechless in my life, but that was one of them. I think I had a little self-imposed intimidation regarding the scholastic intelligence in the room. That shall never happen again! I will return to another Salon, well prepared. I have been a dramatic speaker my whole life…animated, humorous and engaging. I shall return!
Jeff Bradford
Masters’ Con
Thanks for a fun, super-informative and value-filled day! Your speaking salon filled one of the gaps in my self-directed education as I seek to grow my speaking career. I can’t wait to participate in another salon to hone my storytelling skills. I want to be like you!
Elizabeth Yarnell
Glorious One Pot Meals
Thank you so much for the great ideas from the seminar yesterday. You always come up with things I would never think of.
Mandy Ziegler
When Your Spirit Calls
Thanks for the great salon! Now the “elbow-grease” in lifting the phone is my next step!
Jan Murphy
Mysteries and Legends of Colorado
Judith’s Speaking Salon provided me with a plan for how I can begin speaking for a fee. I also left with a plan for using speaking to both brand myself and promote my book and products. During the salon, I created a set of outlined topics that I can use for both speeches and articles. The salon was easily worth several times my investment.
JV Crum
Conscious Millionaire series
Excellent! Packed full of helpful, very practical ideas. Positively motivating. Not only creative, but you Salon has so much meat! Thanks for another fabulous Salon yesterday. You’re such a wealth of knowledge.
Bonnie Knuti, co-author
When Crises Strikes …
What a good time we had on Saturday and I learned a lot. I even had a light bulb moment!!! I am now motivated to get on the phone and make those calls I was dreading.
Janice Hoffman
Relationship Rules
Thank you … I learned so much!
Ann Kochenberger
Out of Focus … Again
Story Telling
…I was the luncheon speaker and was supposed to be funny (!!!). went just great. In fact, I got a standing ovation from about 250 lawyers and mental health professionals. Lots of good comments since the speech.
Thanks for your help. It made a huge difference to me. You really helped me with both the content and the delivery.
Joan H. McWilliams, Esq.
McWilliams Mediation Group Ltd
The Peace Finder, Parenting Plans for Families After Divorce