Mentor Program
The publishing giants roamed the publishing world in the ‘90s believing its way and its strategies were kings… until they were dethroned. Amazon decided to raid the kingdom opened a new publishing portal … and put traditional publishers on notice. The game was about to change.
In those days, the traditional publishers made all the rules. Authors who didn’t have a New York publisher, or were turned down, only had two options. The first was to walk away from their dream. The second was to engage a vanity press, ending up with a third-rate book and lucky to sell 100 copies. Either way, the author never really got out of the gate.
They didn’t know that a third option existed. That was then … this is now.
Amazon entered the scene in the mid-90s. It has become The Game of Publishing Thrones. And it was a good thing. Did millions of run-of-the-mill books come through the Amazon gates? Oh yes. Too many. Mediocre authors and books multiplied and polluted the air. It became harder to be seen; to be known; to succeed.
Authors who didn’t understand the essentials of what makes a good book and an author who gets attention floundered from day one. Authors who didn’t get that they were the CMO—Chief Marketing Officer—became invisible. Authors who didn’t get that publishing was a business and they were the COO—Chief Operating Officer—were scammed and lost money. Authors who didn’t get that they were the CPO—Chief Publicity Officer—became invisible.
Today, YOU, the Author, Have a Golden Opportunity
All the rules of the publishing game have changed. That’s great news for you. But only if you understand the new rules and be open to new strategies. And, be willing to execute them. If you don’t understand them and implement them, you will lose the game. And the Throne.
I’m here to help you cross the finish line.
YOU are now the publisher, the marketer, the publicist, and the author. Instead of a “plain Jane” book and passive attitude of “I’ll build it and they will come” attitude, I’ll show you how to reach your readers directly by creating and sharing your own content through your own publishing empire.
Your personal budding author and publishing kingdom can entail:
- A strategy to create your unique brand
- A blogging strategy and implementation that builds trust and engagement
- A visual marketing strategy
- A speaking positioning strategy
- A YouTube channel that grows your influence
- News you announce on ideal social media pages and press releases when appropriate
- An online strategy for connecting with the media
- Your own branded digital ezine or newsletter
- Photos and Images on a Pinterest board that gets shared and grows
- A marketing strategy that you can work with
- A Twitter feed that is retweeted
- Positioning for your most recent book
- Strategizing your next book
- What’s on your “to-do” list?
The above may feel like a gargantuan task but you don’t have to do them all. Not at once. A ranking and prioritizing will be done. We will start with one or two things and do them well, before additional and do it well.
Let Me Be Your Guide
Guaranteed, I will shorten your learning curve. I’ll explain what to do first, depending on the goals you’re trying to reach, and I’ll walk you through the process. It will be up to you to decide whether to implement what I recommend.
Make it Easy for THEM to Find YOU
Creating an impressive online and in-person presence doesn’t only mean looking for your ideal buyers. It means making it easy for THEM to find YOU. For you to be the INFLUENCER. That includes someone who has only a few seconds to peruse a search page, looking for the expert to assist them. Are you findable?
Here’s who might be searching for someone with your expertise:
- Traditional journalists like reporters, editors, columnists, talk show hosts, TV producers, and radio guest bookers. They want experts on a myriad of topics. Are you findable?
- Bloggers, podcasters and ezine editors who are looking for sources with your expertise for interviews, background, and commentary. Your expertise solves problems. Are you findable?
- Anyone who may be looking for your services or expertise. Are you findable?
Right now, if any of these people needed you, but didn’t know about you, could they find you? Yes, are you findable?
Are YOU an Ideal Candidate for My Mentor Program?
You can be writing; you can be in the process of publishing, or you can be published. It doesn’t matter if you are self-published, indie published, or published by a traditional publisher you have a lot to learn… and to do.
These are the types of people I work with:
- Authors who are just starting down the publishing path.
- Authors who want to become an influencer in their expertise field.
- Authors who “get” that publishing is a business and they need to make a commitment to their book and themselves.
- Authors who wear multiple hats and are responsible for getting their book published and marketed.
- Authors who want to learn how to market to their target market.
- Authors who want to promote themselves to the media.*
- Authors who have book contracts and want to know how to work with their publisher’s team.
- Authors and Speakers who need help understanding how to use the confusing world of social media to reach their target audience.
- Authors who have minimal monies to spend on advertising.
- Authors who believe they can ALWAYS learn more to improve their positioning and publishing success.
- Self-promoters who are passionate about letting the world know about their product, service, cause, or issue on a shoestring budget.
- Authors who will follow up and implement what they commit to.
The Book Shepherd’s Mentor Program
- 6 months of working with Judith
- 180 minutes of One-on-One coaching each month
- Notes and video of online coaching calls
- Unlimited short emails each month
- Unlimited short phone calls each month
- Free attendance of any program that Judith is giving during the six months
Call me at 303-885-2207 or email to determine if you are an ideal candidate. There are only a limited number of slots available.