# 6 … The Fear of Borrowing Money
Wouldn’t it be great to pay cash for everything, including your home? Few can. Sometimes, it makes sense to borrow money. But, over-borrowing and too much credit is quite common.
A credit card is used over 600 times every second of the day; over 36,000 times a minute; over 2 million times an hour; and over 52 million times a day. The average household owing in excess of $9,200 in credit card debt. What’s yours?
If you are contemplating, or already have, borrowing money for a large item— a home or an education loan—increases your pay back amount by 10%. Why? Simply this—you will reduce the time your loan payoff paid by approximately one-third. That means you save big dollars and limit the time you “owe” someone.
In determining whether you should borrow or not, ask yourself if you need the item or do you want it. If you want it and can’t (or aren’t sure) you can pay off the amount over the designated time, don’t buy it.
Over the next several weeks, I’ll continue to post the top fear factors for today … to overcome your fear, and get back on track, get your copy of Money Smarts for Turbulent Times by Judith Briles–available in paper and ebook format.