Save $100 on Judith Briles’ Speaking Unplugged Event this March
Would you like to turn the book you have or are creating into a money machine that cements your expertise and authoring success?
Would you like to know how powerful you, your book and experiences are and how they can influence and change others one word at a time? Would you like to turn your book, your ideas, your mouth into a business that creates a lifestyle woven with travel, fun, global friends and financial success?
You can with the smart and savvy strategies, you will reveal in this interactive and fun intensive workshop. With over 35 years of speaking on the platform, Dr. Judith Briles will show you how to become a successful professional speaker … a speaker that will soar your book sales. Since the 80s, speaking has been her #1 way to sell books … over 1,000,000 of them!
Register for this 2-day event in Denver with Speaking and Book Publishing expert Judith Briles, at a special price just for you!
March 22-23, 2019 will change your authoring life. If you can’t make it in March, register for the November session.
Reserve Your Spot NOW
for 2 Colorful Brain-Jammed Days, including meals.
- How to develop your topic … start with your book then expand to create a portfolio of options for meeting planners to select from or add-on to an already booked gig.
- How to structure your speech or create a workshop … one that is uniquely you and will make you the buzz of any conference.
- How to identify your key points … and hook in the right story, activity or exercise to engage your audience.
- How to create stories based on your life experiences that will engage an audience … that can have them rolling in the aisles or shedding a tear.
- How to tie in current events with your presentation … create a local hook that will connect with attendees.
- How to know when to use multi-media … and what to do if it goes wrong.
- How to structure your first words … whether it’s a story, statistics, an event connected with the group or something else—tips on how to instantly connect with any audience.
- How to create a memorable opening or closing … that will leave your audience laughing, crying or thinking—but never just leaving them.
- How to avoid the Blunders, Bloopers, and Boo-Boos … that most speakers—newbies and old-timers make.
- How to identify and create your Unique Selling Pitch to any meeting planner … what will make you shine and rise above the speaker crowd?
- How to create the visuals to enhance your presentation … audiences are visible—you will learn how to use cartoons, words and essential elements to spark up any presentation.
- How to deal with snafus and presentations that aren’t working … it happens; not every audience is ideal or presentation perfect.
- How to find groups that want your message … and will enthusiastically cheer for you and want you back.
- How to move from free to fee … and make a living by using your words and your mouth.
- How to negotiate contracts … and get “soft money” for no fee gigs.
- How to create your “unique” position … work with a SWOT Analysis designed for you and your book.
- How to create an AWESOME Speaker-Book One-Sheet …
you need one that shouts you out … it’s brag time to hook meeting planners and attendees.
WAIT … WAIT … there’s MORE! You have the opportunity to book one day within three months of your Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged Bootcamp for a One-on-One in person in her offices or via Skype if you are out of the area. You will get laser coaching dissecting your speech, your stories … your “whatever” that evolves from the Unplugged session you attended. Your cost for this is $1,250, a reduction from her 6-hour fee of $2,750 and only available to Unplugged participants.
REGISTER NOW by calling 303-885-2207 — get this special promo pricing of $447 by January 31st. Saves you $100!!
Location: in Denver Colorado, Venue is TBD – We will update registrants via email on the venue and nearby hotels ASAP!
Rates will increase on February 1st by $450. Judith has a payment plan if desired, just call the office at 303-885-2207.
- If you want to open up your creativity channels … you will love the exercises Judith walks everyone through.
- If you want to create a speech that uses the key elements of your book and expertise … you will learn insider tips on how to and how to niche yourself into “your” market.
- If you want to be Pitch Perfect … it’s the way to sell your book, and few authors succeed. You will now.
- If you want to master social media tricks that will allow you to breathe … you will learn and see exactly how to create a life beyond your computer. Judith selects several books for attendees and will demonstrate and position them for a marketing blitz you won’t believe in front of your eyes!
- If you want to know tricks of the social media marketing whirlwind … you will learn which platforms work best for which books and how to drill down into them.
- If you haven’t done a Speaking GamePlan around your book, you will (or will revisit what you thought your GamePlan was) … and discover amazing “ahas” along the way about both You and Your Book.
If you want to make serious money as an author, you will come away with the how-to strategies that are doable.
- If you stumble along on how to pitch yourself, you won’t any longer–tips and techniques plus create the ideal script to roll out who and what you will bring to participants at events in less than 30 seconds.
- If you want “e” shortcuts to use for your speaking marketing, you will get plenty of fast-track tips to use.
- If … what are your “IFs”? … there will be hot seats throughout the two days.
ALL participants take the hot seat and get immediate laser coaching from Judith. How cool is that?
Get ready to experience a “different” bootcamp … it is not just another conference where you sit in your seat and take notes—expect extraordinary high interaction, plenty of “to-do” Activities—you will not only listen and hear Dr. Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd; you will see demonstrations of how she does it in her own speaking; AND you will immediately implement what she says. PLUS, you will get live laser coaching. Judith believes in feeding your brain and your belly—you will be fed.
What it is, is your next, next step to authoring success.
Be there. You and Your Book can’t afford not to be.
Call Judith, determine if this is the “right fit” for you and your book now.
Call 303-885-2207 or email Don’t delay.