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Summer 2009

New in this Issue

  • Judith’s Take … Money Smarts for Turbulent Times
  • New programs … Stabotage!, Money, Is There a Book in You? and Money Smarts for Turbulent Times
  • New Books
    • Stabotage®! How to Deal with Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes,
    • Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace …
    • Money Smarts for Turbulent Times
    • Have You Ever Held a Mountain?
  • Consulting
  • Webinars
  • Movies
  • Judith’s New Look

Judith’s Take: Money Smarts for Turbulent Times
I received a call from the owner of one of my books a few months ago. She wanted me to know that she was just fine, thank you. Two years ago, she purchased a copy of Money Smarts and followed it to a tee. Most of her money was in cash and would stay there for awhile. She thanked me for my advice after she had attended a workshop I gave at a national nursing conference.

There was nothing fancy about the book, just the basics. And that’s what we all need with this tornado financial environment that we are all treading water to stay on top.

Any why was I writing a money book, when I talk about the bad behaviors of the workplace? Well, they are about money—the cost or recruitment, retention, turn-over and lower productivity.

In the late 60’s through the mid-80s, I was a stock broker and had my own financial firm. Money interests me. So does losing it—as I did when a partner embezzled a ton of money from me. Of the 26 books I’ve written, 10 of them have been about money. So …

When 401(k)s have become 101(k)s, if that; when people are see their life savings vaporize; and when the nest egg of the home value has become a rotting mess of twigs it means major regrouping.

Start with breathing. It’s a good thing. Open all the envelopes that have been stockpiling since January. Yes, there is bad news in them. I know of no one who can enthusiastically say that their investments and retirement plans have grown by leaps and bounds this past year.

I personally believe that times are still quite bumpy. If you need cash or your money in the next two to five years, you should be in money market funds; not the stock market. If you have a longer time to “ride it out,” then you have that luxury. Before re-entering the market, it’s OK if you miss a few months of an “uptick”—you want any turn-around to have “legs” so that it has a direction it’s going. Right now, it’s still a roller coaster.

I’ve gone back to the writing desk to do a revision on Money Smarts. The new title is Money Smarts for Turbulent Times and it’s not available. Still the common sense of its predecessor but brought current with what’s unraveled since the fall of 2008.

When finances are shaky, it’s not the time to take changes. Cash is king. Even when the stock market gets roots, make sure they are solid before you jump in. Let Money Smarts for Turbulent Times be your guide.

All New Programs!
Staboteurs in Your Midst…Dealing with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Workplace
Every workplace has them—the pit bulls that hide behind lipstick and designer clothes; skunks who seem so harmless and innocent until they stink the place up; snakes who flick their abrasive tongues and voice and any and all, the scorpions who sting you with a slap of their heavy backhand and the slugs…those who are just there and breathing. The effect is that huge amounts of money are lost in productivity, turnover related costs and patient safety factors.

Based on 9 national studies released in Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace, The Briles Report on Women in Health Care, Woman to Woman: From Sabotage to Support and the forthcoming book, Stabotage! How to Deal with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace.

Participants will learn how to effective deal with the bad boys and girls of the workplace.

Is There a Book in You? …
How would you like to write the book you’ve dreamed of, even become a best-selling author? Most people have a book in them. Will yours get
birthed, or will it die because it never was conceived? Books create credibility, add to your professionalism. Whether your dream is to write the great novel, a children’s series or to create a book that will enhance your professional credibility, this fast paced session is for you. The business if publishing will be revealed; you learn how to create titles that soar, how to structure a book, how to get started and much, whether you should publish with a traditional publisher or self-publish and much more.

You will learn from a master book shepherd. Judith Briles is the author of 26 books—many of them award-winning, has sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies, sold multiple foreign rights to 16 countries, created her own publishing imprint, has been featured on over 1000 TV and radio shows—from Oprah to CNN and print media from the Wall Street Journal to the National Enquirer, columnist for several publications including the Denver Business Journal, sought after speaker for conferences and associations, is the resident “money” expert on Denver’s Channel 2, is the first recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association and the current President of CAL—the Colorado Author’s League.

Money Smarts for Turbulent Times
The “average” person spends over 10,000 days making money. How many days are you willing to commit to keeping some of it . . . and better yet, making it grow? Based on Judith Briles’ book, Money Smarts for Turbulent Times: Master Financial Success in 30 Days!, participants will learn practical tips and take away an action plan to build a stronger financial future no matter what happens to Social Security or the economy.

Theories are bypassed and realistic strategies are presented. This program gets to the point. There are no pie-in-the-eye ideas, just useful concepts that you will begin to implement today. The result-you will reduce debt, eliminate waste, create a safety net and create a realistic strategy that allows you to be financially independent. It’s projected that most people will retire at 70++ —money issues are huge! With the economy as it is, this is a must addition to your conference… your staff or attendees will thank you.

Judith’s Got a New Look
It’s been a long time in coming … but my speaking website is been gutted and revamped. There are so many new features—check it out at

New Books …

b3 Stabotage! How to Deal with the Pit Bulls,
Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the
Health Care Workplace
is the sister book to
Zapping Conflict in
the Health Care Workplace, has Judith’s latest
CarefrontingScript, updated info on communicating
skills and the 2009 survey that included 3000
healthcare professionals. $29 ©2009


Money Smarts for Turbulent Times:
Master Personal Finance in
30 Days!
is the updated and revised edition to address the
financial chaos that 2008 delivered. Has won best
business/financial book awards. $25



Have Your Ever Held a Mountain
is a Poetic Photo Journey by John Maling
is the perfect gift book … for you and for others!

Mountains have been symbolic since the beginning of time. Our imagination has always given life to their presence. We name them; even feature them in our history and our lives.

John Maling has created a poem about and around the life of a mountain that touches the very life that bursts from its core to the inhabitants and majestic surroundings. Each line resonates with the spectacular photography taken by nationally published Grant Collier and John Maling.

32 inspiring and thoughtful lines enable the reader to climb with the author and photographers from the opening of the poem …

“Have you ever held a mountain
Cupped it gently in your hand
Felt the texture of its ridges
Sifted slow its granite sand
Brushed its trees and touched its meadows
Heard its glaciers grinding down
Felt wet and rocky muscle
Under flesh of green and brown?”

… to the closing. And then, the reader will immediately start from the beginning, savoring the words and photos once again. $23 ©2009

Judith’s Books can always be purchased through her website, or or you can ask your favorite bookstore to order it. If you contact Judith directly, make sure you let her know the name to inscribe books to.

Speaking …
Call our offices to check on availability and fees for your group. We are booking the remainder of 2009 and will into the 2010 calendar now. Judith understands that many are under budget crunches. Call and brainstorm a variety of ways that she will work with you to make “your money constraints” take on a whole new life. Either call 303-627-9179 or email Judith at

Movie Reviews …
If you like the movies, make sure you sign up for JB’s Movie Spots— they’re quick, snappy and let you know if a Gramma would be comfortable. Rating scale is the Golden Egg—one’s a dud, four, drop everything and get ye to the theater! The current sampling is attached to this newsletter.

Webinars Are a Hit …
Over the Winter, I developed a series of workplace related seminars via The feed back was huge and terrific. This is an ideal way to bring a mini-workshop to your staff for minimal moneys. So far, topics have included Zapping Conflict, Stabotage!, Leading with Confidence, What the #%&$@! Bleep Did You Say? Red Ink Behaviors, Hire Slowly, Fire Quickly and Money Smarts. If you would like to know when we schedule the next series, call our offices at 303-627-9179 so we can alert you.

Webinars are an inexpensive way to bring Judith to your workplace for nominal moneys. They can range from 30 to 60 minutes and can be customized for content. Perfect for a staff meeting.

Consulting …
Judith consults in two areas: the first in workplace behavior related issues that reduce productivity, increase turnover and cost an organization millions of dollars a year. The second is publishing. As an author of 26 books, she routinely advises authors on how to publish on their own to enhance the professional careers. Her website is, designed to assist anyone in the book publishing process. Book Shepherds come in all kinds of sizes and shapes, providing a variety of services and charging a wide range of fees. At one end of the spectrum are Shepherds that do similar work to that of book packagers. They literally take over the development of the book –rewrites or ghosting, editing, cover and interior design, printing, marketing and in some cases, PR. Your investment will range from $20,000 to $50,000 plus. That’s a lot of money.

Judith’s strategy is to “teach you” how to create your book and actively participate in the process. Among things that she can assist you with are:

• determining if there is a book, and who it is for;
• the tightening of your writing;
• the first run of editing;
• creating the “hook” that makes you the expert;
• crafting a proposal for potential sale to a publisher
• the structuring your of PR game plan;
• creating and shaping a speech that sells your book;
• putting the right team together; and much, much more

Wishing you all a fabulous summer … and don’t forget to have some fun along the way.
