Only read this if you want to sell more books. People who just want to write, and not market what they do or themselves, I suggest you stop. For those who want to sell books and spread their wise words, read on. Let’s start with: Why should you speak on...
Twenty plus years ago, one of my author friends coined one of my favorite book titles: Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers. It’s all about change and slashing through the things that continually hold people and companies back. A few years ago, I ran into Bob Kriegel at...
Do YOU tell all that you don’t watch TV? How about boasting that you’re got rid of yours or that you wouldn’t waste your time by having one? In my Book Shepherd and Speaking Coach opinion, you are making a major boo-boo to you and your book’s success. Since the...
Today is Neither Rain or Snow Day … meaning nothing will hold you back … it’s a “just do it day”! Here’s your Top Ten Twitter Tweets: Tweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are The Book Shepherd’s Top Ten Tweets from the past...