Only read this if you want to sell more books. People who just want to write, and not market what they do or themselves, I suggest you stop. For those who want to sell books and spread their wise words, read on. Let’s start with: Why should you speak on...
One of our attendees has had to have emergency surgery. Grab her spot at her deep discounted cost. Only ONE spot is available. Call Judith to put your name on it: 303-885-2207. Would you like a “hands-on workshop” to soar your speaking that is limited to a...
is a very, “hands on workshop” with me to soar your speaking. Previous comments include: “I got more in two hours than in my 10 years of being a speaker” … “Wow, Wow, Wow.” Are you ready for a WOW experience? You want to be at...
Would you like to create a speech that delivers over $1,000,000 based on your words, your expertise … your book? Would you like to turn the book you have or are creating into a money machine that cements your expertise and authoring success? Would you like to know how...