Oh, what a tangled web they weave … publishing predators are breeding with the surge of authors now by-passing traditional publishing. Over half of books published today are by the self and indie publishers. Traditional publishers are taking notice and are now...
Why should you write a book? It’s a good question … and here’s one of the answers: Your book creates The Credibility Factor. Creating a book with substance and quality says reams about whom and what you are. You’ve done the research; you’ve done a...
Covers and ISBNs are critical … what are the “differences” in the self-publishing markets and the indie publishing markets is the inclusion of the LCCN–the Library of Congress Number. If you want your book in the library, you best...
One of the fastest ways to tell if a book is “self-published” is the tell-tale missing ISBN. The International Standard Book Number … a number that will start with “978” … the code for books that is needed for ordering and...
Have you noticed? The publishing world has morphed on a daily basis … If you are a new author, you’ve got publishing questions. Plenty of them. If you are an already published author, you should have publishing questions. Plenty of them. As an author, ask:...