Get Your Library of Congress Control Number The LCCN BEFORE You Publish Your Book Note: If you know anyone who is writing a book or on the verge of publishing, this is the blog you need to share with them now. The #1 question that most authors don’t know to ask is,...
The Library of Congress Control Number (The LCCN) NOTE: The entire program for the LCCN can be found on Google under LCCN Publishers User Guide The #1 question that most authors don’t know to ask is, How do I get an LCCN? What’s an LCCN? Good question—it’s the Library...
One question that most authors don’t know to ask is, “How do I get the LCCN?” What’s a LCCN? Good question—it’s the Library of Congress number that shows that you exist, and the one that any library that you are pitching your book to wants to know you have. The good...